Bank Tried To Scam A Family On Money Transfer Fees, But They Didn’t Know A Family Member Worked For A Bank. He Knew Exactly How To Get Their Money Back And Punish The Bank.
by Michael Levanduski
When you need to send money to a loved one overseas, it is important to do it properly to avoid delays or other problems.
What happens if the company you use to send the money is delaying and making up excuses on why it hasn’t been sent yet?
That is what the family in this story experienced, and they had to take it up to the government regulators, but they finally got their revenge.
Check it out.
Try to scam my dad out of £20,000? Prepare to have regulators on your case and pay through the nose.
So this happened a couple of years ago.
My dad occasionally sends money back to his home country via these money transfer companies and he had recently sold his shop so wanted so send some of the money back home.
Now my dad isn’t the most savvy of people and me and my brother regularly have to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t get scammed.
Yeah, better to use a bank you know you can trust.
We were a bit worried when he said he wanted to send such a large amount of money in one go and suggested using a bank to do it, while it would cost a fair amount in fees, it would be legit and would arrive on time.
However he wanted to go with this money transfer company that he saw an ad for in the newspaper as they had lower fees and promised the money would arrive in a week or so.
So we accompany him to the shop and discuss how much it would cost and when it would arrive and the guy gives his best assurances that the money will arrive and gives a good price and of course we pay him the money and leave.
We weren’t stupid enough to pay in cash and have no trace whatsoever.
That was smart at least.
We took precautions and paid by debit card so there is a trace in case he tries anything funny.
So a couple days goes by and dad periodically checks his bank account back home and checks if the money arrived and of course we say things like “Give it time, it will come soon” etc.
After two weeks still nothing so he calls up and asks what’s going on.
The guy says it’s just delayed but nothing to worry about, so he hangs up satisfied.
A week later another call another excuse, we think ok this is irritating but fair enough and not much we can do but be patient.
This is a straight-up scam!
More time goes by and the excuses are now getting less professional, now it’s “Oh we had to use the money you gave us to pay off the previous guy who sent money so when the next guy pays you’ll get yours.”
At this point we’re getting seriously worried and thinking wtf, is this guy going bankrupt or something.
We investigate our options with the bank and seeing if we can do any claim backs but they’re not too helpful as it wasn’t a fraud case and he paid willingly so not their problem.
We go to the shop to have a conversation with the guy and see if he actually plans on paying up or not and give him one last chance for benefit of the doubt and of course he gives us the same bs assurances and nothing still happens two weeks later.
Now the Pro Revenge begins that you have been waiting for.
In the UK all financial organisations no matter how small, are heavily regulated by government authorities and if you run a business to do with money they will be watching you carefully.
My brother, being a banker, knew exactly which authorities to contact and he launched a complaint against this organisation.
He sent them proof of the payment and explained how they refused to send the money.
Within a couple of days they came down hard on him.
This guy has a lot of nerve.
Now instead of my dad chasing him, he started chasing after my dad begging him to withdraw the complaint as it was affecting his business as the regulator was threatening investigations and a possible shut down.
He said I will send it soon but please withdraw the complaint.
Of course we knew that as soon as the complaint was withdrawn it would be near impossible to re-complain so we refused to withdraw until he paid up with compensation of course.
We also made sure that all correspondence was made through the regulator as he tried to call up my dad and get him to withdraw the case with his sob stories, which we also mentioned to the regulator.
That is good, but he needs to be out of business.
After he realised he wasn’t getting anywhere, he eventually paid up the full £20,000 and a further £1500 in compensation for all the distress he caused and a letter of apology to my dad and the case was withdrawn.
He has scammed other people like my dad with his business but as they weren’t educated enough to go the regulator with a complaint.
He must have gotten away with a lot over the years so it felt good to make him realise that he can’t mess with everyone he perceives to be an easy target.
Wow, this guy needs to be shut down permanently!
Take a look at what some of the people in the comments had to say.
This would have been the perfect way to handle it.
This family doesn’t make good choices.
Exactly, good point.
It really doesn’t make sense.
Absolutely, no reason to withdraw the complaint.
How on Earth is this guy still in business?
Someone needs to put a stop to it once and for all.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · banker, banking, fines, money, money delivery, overseas, penalties, picture, pro revenge, reddit, regulators, top

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