October 1, 2024 at 6:48 am

Insurance Refused To Cover A Major Plumbing Problem, So She Talked To An Expert And Got Triple What They Were Offering

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Homeowner’s insurance is one of those things that you pay for but hope you will never have to use it.

What happens when you finally do have to make a claim, and the insurance company refuses to pay out what you are owed?

That is what happened to the homeowner in this story, but after a little persistence, she walked away with a huge check.

Read on to get all the fun details.

Made home owners insurance pay triple what i was asking for.

I had some flooding in one of my bathrooms back in Jan 2022.

Water went to the master bedroom and got the wood floor wet.

Called plumber and contractor right away.

What a hassle.

They cut the walls and put fans to dry the water.

Filed a claim, had the inspection and they assessed the damages.

75qt to replace the wood floor, labor, patching walls, painting.

I told them that there were plumbing issues and they were gonna cover all of it.

At least they are being helpful so far.

First check was for around $2100 and the second check was for around $5600.

I found out that they dont make the same Tongue & Groove for the wood floor.

This is a problem because my whole house is interconnected.

So, the wood floor from the living room is connected with T&G all the way to the master bedroom and every single room.

I decided to skip ordering new floor.

I then decided to order different new floor for one of the small bedrooms and use that wood floor to replaced the damaged floor in the master bedroom.

What? Can they even do that?

After i deposited the second check of $5600, a few days later i received a letter from the bank that they refused/cancelled the check and i also had a charge back for the bounced check.

Called insurance and they said that they were not going to cover the plumbing after all. (i then found out that they dont cover plumbing problems) which i was ok with, but now i had all these expenses and no money to cover them.

The first check did not cover all of the damages that the plumber and contractor’s work that was done.

Cue Petty Revenge.

I call my sister who is an interior designer and who worked with Tile floor and Kitchen granite.

She has worked with plenty of contractors and insurance claims due to X damage to the house.

That is how many policies are written.

She told me that because i could not find the exact floor to match my current floor, that the insurance now has to pay to replace the floor on the whole house.

The person who i was dealing with all of the sudden was no longer with the company.

I then was assigned a different agent with my issue.

It took months to do everything again (explain problem, submit paper work, a new inspection, etc) i was determined to do not let it go.

Nice! That was worth all the effort for sure!

It finally got approved and received a check in the mail for $23,700 and today it finally cleared. I did not say anything incase the stupid insurance company cancelled the check again.

I can finally start the work in my house that has been overdue for 8 months.

Now that is a happy ending to a frustrating story.

Let’s take a look at the comments to see what other people have to say.

Absolutely, always talk to an expert.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Yeah, maybe not, but it sure felt like revenge.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

The floor was damaged due to the plumbing problem.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

It should cover everything!

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Yup, it all depends on the policy you have.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

You have to fight for what you deserve from insurance companies.

It’s a sad fact of life.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.