October 14, 2024 at 9:41 pm

Younger Sister Landed A Great Job And Her Parents Asked Her To Refer Her Spoiled, Older Sister For An Open Position, But Then She Couldn’t Be Bothered To Complete The Paperwork On Time

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

When you have a good job, it can be a great opportunity to help loved ones get in with the company by recommending them.

What happens if you refer your sister to a job, but she doesn’t complete the simple tasks needed to apply?

That is what happened to the woman in this story, and she refused to remind her sister to complete the paperwork.

Check out the details!

AITA for not reminding my sister about a job?

My sister had sort of always been the “black sheep” of the family, missing out on multiple opportunities growing up.

We come from a family that is not extremely wealthy, but is doing fine and my parents/grandparents and uncles have managed to provide me, my siblings and my cousins with many valuable opportunities, such as high level education, projects, experiences, jobs etc.

I believe that everyone took the maximum advantage regarding these things and strived to make a good situation even better, as in even if there were situations when some things were almost handed out to us, we did not stall, and worked hard, treated it seriously and literally made the best out of it.

There is always one.

My sis however was never ambitious and always did the bare minimum.

Switched several majors in college, ended up being in the same year as me even though she’s older, never held down jobs, worked too little to count anyways, never planned for the future, always demanded and complained, the average spoiled child.

Now I said we’re doing good, but again, we’re not rich.

My parents stressed her about getting a job, but she always sort of said “Later, next week, I don’t like that… etc”

I work in a big company and have the facility to make recommendations.

I don’t know if I would recommend her.

My parents egged me about getting her to work here too, but I explained that I can’t recommend her against her will.

She eventually was convinced to apply and we began the process.

At the same time, I learned that another classmate of mine was looking for a job and let him know about the opportunities at my workplace since I could recommend both him and my sister.

I started the process with both of them and at some point needed a document from them.

Wow, talk about lazy.

I asked them both and the classmate sent it to me, while my sister HAD THE AUDACITY to ask me to remind her later because she can’t right now.

We’re talking about a spoiled college student who just got back from a week long trip with her friends (trip funded by our parents) who lives on her own but does nothing on her own and WHO HAS NO JOB.

I can’t phantom what could’ve been keeping her so busy that she couldn’t send THE DOCUMENT NEEDED FOR HER EMPLOYMENT then or at least MAKE A MENTAL NOTE to send it to me later.

I got angry, said nothing to her and decided not to remind her.

I continued the process with my classmate and it was a success.

Of course she did.

However, my sister failed to send the document and the recruitment period ended.

I couldn’t help her anymore.

When she found out (not that she cared, my parents asked) she freaked.

Called me a jerk for not reminding her and helping the stranger instead of family.

I called her spoiled because until now I did everything for her and all she had to do was to send a simple photo of a filled up paper.

My parents also told me that “you know how she is” and I should’ve reminded her, but I refuse to do things for her any longer.

If she wants to me a big baby, then so be it.

I know I could’ve told her to send that paper to me, but again, I simply refuse to drag her after me any longer.


Her sister needs to grow up and take responsibility for herself.

I’m sure the people in the comments will agree, let’s take a look.

Yeah, the parents need to let her fail for a while.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It fits perfectly.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Time to take some responsibility.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Exactly, I would have never recommended her.

Source: Reddit/AITA

You should never recommend someone who won’t perform well.

Source: Reddit/AITA

It is impossible to help someone who won’t help themselves.

Remember that.

If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.