Customer WIth A Full Cart Of Groceries Chose The Express Lane, So She Parked Her Car In Front Of Her In The Parking Lot And Took Her Time
by Ashley Ashbee
The express lane at the supermarket is there for a reason, but some people use it despite being over the item limit.
But the customer in this story knew exactly how to teach this one a lesson after she went over it.
Read along to see get what she had coming to her.
10 or less items turns into a full cart? … I’ll catch you outside
I was 30 something and a 40 something was in front of me in the supermarket 10 items or less line.
She had like 15-20 items and I pointed out she was in the wrong line.
She brushed me off and said “It’s just a lil longer wait.”
Her two children start bringing items up and going back out for more.
And then she made her own bed.
I’m ticked off and so are those behind me.
By the time the family is finished hunting and gathering enough to fill a cart she looks at me and says, it wasn’t so bad was it?
Even the cashier was annoyed.
I pay for my 5 items and see them loading their multiple bags in the trunk.
I wait as they get in their car and park directly behind them.
About 30 seconds go by and I hear her horn toot. I wave at them.
A very long minute ticks past.
She gets out and walks to me and says, “We need to leave, can you move?”
I said no I can’t, sorry.
Here comes the satisfying victory.
She starts getting irritated and I cut her off by saying, “it’s just a little longer wait.”
She then realizes I was behind her in line.
I said “You know, I guess my car isn’t done sitting in park. You’re just gonna have to wait for me to be finished.”
She went back to her car and I felt so satisfied I sat for 7 minutes.
She came out again, twice, and I rolled up the window on her and just played on my phone.
It was annoying, yet awesome to watch the seconds slowly creep.
I felt quite vindicated when her tone got angry.
After a good 8 minutes total I let her leave with a smile on my face.
Here is what folks are saying.
I’m sure this level of “pettiness” is not rare.
Funny, but don’t make the other customers wait even longer for revenge.
This is awesome. Good for you.
Maybe, but this would probably brake some laws and get them sued. It would be a simple automation, though.
But wouldn’t that make you look bad to management?
I can’t stand entitled people.
They deserve to have to wait sometimes.
If you liked that post, check out this post about a woman who tracked down a contractor who tried to vanish without a trace.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · checkout line, entitled, petty revenge, picture, reddit, supermarket, top, wasting time

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