Brother Expects His Sister To Attend His Wedding, But She’s Reluctant To Face The Family Drama
by Diana Whelan
When her husband passed, she thought her brother would be there to support her.
But he refused to attend the funeral to dodge a family member, leaving her devastated.
Now, with his wedding approaching, he’s expecting her to face two relatives she’s completely cut off.
Is she wrong for considering sitting this one out?
Read on for the story.
WIBTA if I skipped my Brothers wedding?
I 37 f have a younger brother 34 M.
He and his fiancee are due to be married next spring.
I am so happy for him.
My husband passed away 2 months ago.
My brother refused to come to his funeral because my mom would be attending.
My brother is no contact with my mom.
His reason for not coming to the funeral was to avoid issues or stressful situations.
I informed him as long as everybody acted like adults we would be fine.
He still refused to come.
It was my husband’s funeral!!
I have a five year old son with him and I could have used my little brother’s support.
Wow. That’s terrible.
We have always been pretty close and always been there for each other.
We do live four hours away from each other, but keep in contact as much as possible.
Seeing as we both work full time, and I have children, my brother let me know the wedding date and told me to save the date.
I told him I was so happy for him.
I am completely no contact with my father and my sister 40 f for many, many reasons, stories for another time.
After my brother told me the wedding date, he then said, “By the way, whether you like it or not, you have to be around family you don’t want to be around.”
Oh, the irony.
I responded, “wait a minute, you could not come to my husband’s FUNERAL because you did not want to be around one person for a couple of hours, but you expect me to come to your wedding for 2 days with two people I do not speak with or have anything to do with?”
The relationship between me, my father and my sister is very toxic.
I can’t get into it too much on here.
But my sister has always been very jealous of me and has tried to put me down my entire life.
Not to mention the terrible things she said to my daughter 19 about my husband after he passed.
My father, let’s just say…. he is a disgusting POS.
I don’t even know how to explain the mental and financial damage he has caused me.
How awful.
Am I being oversensitive or are my feelings completely valid?
Am I being too petty?
How can you refuse to go to your brother-in-law’s funeral?
Suck it up, put on your big boy pants and be there.
I’m so hurt and angry.
And I don’t know how to get over it.
Would I be wrong for skipping his wedding?
Can he really ask her to endure two days with toxic relatives when he couldn’t manage a few hours?
Reddit’s weighing in on who’s being unreasonable here.
This person says while no one HAS to go to these big events, the brother started it.
This person has similar thoughts.
And this person really can’t get over the fact he missed the funeral.
So much for “blood is thicker than water.”
This guy needs to take a good long look in the mirror.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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