Entitled Neighbor Demands They Move Their Car, Then Ends Up Struggling With Her Own Parking Situation
by Heather Hall
When people get a little too comfortable playing parking police in their neighborhood, things can get pretty frustrating.
So, what do you do when your neighbor wants the road space outside their house to be exclusively theirs, even though you have just as much right to park there?
Do you ignore their request?
Or do you park your car in such a way that it negatively impacts them?
In today’s story, one homeowner faces this very situation.
Here’s how it went down.
Busy body neighbour. Thinks she’s the parking police.
I have a busybody neighbour who lives across the street from me.
We live in a small rural English village.
The houses are old and quite tightly packed together, and a narrow road runs through the centre of the village, just big enough for two cars to pass.
My house has no parking or driveway so I have to park my car on the road, as do a lot of the other residents.
Mrs Busy Body has a big house with enough space on her driveway for 3 cars and a fancy electric gate with a remote control.
The driveway is quite narrow as it runs down the side of her house.
In the village, we all try to park on the same side of the road so that people passing through don’t have to weave in and out of the parked cars, and it’s safer for children.
This means I park opposite my house outside Mrs Busy Body’s.
The neighbor confronted her about parking in front of her house.
One morning, getting into my car and going to work, she came out of her house and told me that I wasn’t to park there anymore.
I asked her why, and her response was, “Oh, you know how it is. You just want to be able to park your own car outside your own house”.
I said yes, I did understand that feeling and raised an eyebrow at the irony of me doing exactly that, albeit on the opposite side.
I was just trying to be courteous by parking on the same side of the road as everyone else, but she didn’t see it that way.
I have 1 tiny car and she has 2 large 4x4s and a driveway.
I spoke to another neighbour and she’d been badmouthing “whoever had the little white car parked outside her house” as she wanted the space outside just in case someone popped round to visit and needed somewhere to park.
Now, it’s much harder for the busybody to get out of her driveway.
So, I parked my car right outside my front door – directly opposite her driveway.
Now, there was no way that she or her husband could get in and out of their driveway in one maneuver due to the narrowness of the road, the narrow drive, their big range rovers, and my car opposite.
I watched her for months, having to shuffle her car in and out of her driveway.
She couldn’t say anything to me and ask me to move “because you know how it is, you just want to be able to park your own car outside your own house.”
That’s a great way to teach her a lesson.
Let’s check out what the fine folks over at Reddit have to say about this parking nightmare.
This may push things too far.
The story gave this person nostalgia for England.
Here’s someone who wouldn’t mess with the woman at all.
This person completely understands.
She must’ve known why the person chose to park on her side of the street.
Obviously, she has no concern for safety.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · English village, entitled woman, parking, petty revenge, picture, reddit, rude neighbor, top

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