Her Friend Ignores Warnings About Her Husband’s “Pick Me” Friend, So When He Actually Does Leave She Told Her She Had It Coming
by Diana Whelan
When her friend’s husband made a new “work friend,” the red flags were practically waving in the wind.
This friend didn’t just cross boundaries; she hugged them, called herself his “work wife,” and stirred up trouble every chance she got.
Warnings were issued, but they were dismissed as jealousy—until, surprise, the “work wife” became the actual one, and her friend found herself on the outside looking in.
Read on for the story.
AITA for telling my friend she “had it coming” when she kept complaining about her husband leaving for his “pick me” friend?
About a year ago my husband made a friend a work, Jane, who is honestly the worst.
I don’t have the word count needed to explain why, but ask if you want/need to know.
I met her at a work event his company had and she introduced herself by hugging my husband’s arm and saying “it’s so nice to finally meet his home wife, I’m his work wife.”
Oh yeah. She’s the worst for sure.
My husband had enough sense to push her away and announce she was in no way his wife, but after that she essentially blamed me for “wrecking” her friendship with him.
Apparently they used to have lunch (sometimes with colleagues, sometimes alone) and got drinks after work sometimes (with colleagues) but he stopped after that.
I never had to ask him to.
I told him he could hang out with her if he wanted but he said he could tell it would cause problems and it wasn’t worth it.
Jane started telling people I was controlling, jealous, and often bullied her when we were alone.
I’ve never been alone with her.
This is getting out of hand.
Recently she met one of my friends, Kate, and Kate decided she was the nicest girl ever.
I warned Kate that Jane had a pick me vibe but Kate started yelling that she never wanted to believe what Jane said about me but since I immediately bad mouthed her, everything else must be true too.
This shocked me but I didn’t fight because maybe it was true?
Maybe I was just jealous and scared and my dislike was just a reaction.
My husband said it wasn’t and he thought I had a right to dislike her.
A couple weeks ago it got out that Jane and Kate’s husband were having an affair.
Kate had introduced them, despite my husband saying that she probably shouldn’t.
Kate blamed this on him always defending me.
When Kate demanded her husband end it with Jane, he ended it with Kate instead, kicked her out of the house, and moved Jane in.
Jane apparently told Kate she could use her apartment until the lease is up because they’re friends.
She’s a housewife, her money is her husband’s and he cut her off, so I got her a hotel for the week while she disputes that.
I’ve woken up everyday to calls and texts from Kate crying about the whole thing.
She kept saying she never could’ve guessed Jane would do this.
I told her, I showed her messages Jane had sent me, and Kate had just cut me off.
She WAS warned.
Yesterday I’d finally had enough, partially because Kate had practically ghosted me when I warned her about Jane, and started agreeing that I was being petty.
Normally I’d always support Kate no matter what but I felt betrayed too and now she’s back because Jane’s a jerk?
So I might be the AH here cause I asked her to stop talking about it for 10 minutes so I could breathe.
To talk about anything else to distract herself.
She got mad.
I said I understood it was bad but it also didn’t feel fair to me because I warned her, she made her own choices, and honestly had it coming for ignoring obvious red flags.
Now many of our friends are saying that was too harsh and unsupportive but why should I sugar coat common sense?
After nonstop venting sessions, she finally had enough and told her friend what everyone else was thinking: “You had it coming.”
Most people say it was about time for a reality check for little old Kate.
This person is like, if she ignored all the signs, is it really so wrong to point out the obvious?
This person is giving major props to Hubby, the true hero in this saga.
And this person just has some really wise words.
Friendship isn’t always sweet, especially when common sense goes ignored.
This woman really did have it coming, though.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.

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