He Let His Brother’s Girlfriend And Her Mom Move Into His Apartment To Get Back On Their Feet, But Several Months Later They’re Driving Him Crazy And He Wants To Kick Them Out
by Michael Levanduski
When your loved ones have fallen on hard times, it is nice to help them out as much as you can.
What would you do if you allowed someone to stay with you for a while, and they have way more than overstayed their welcome?
That is what happened to the guy in this story, but he is worried that if he kicks his brother’s girlfriend and her mom out, his brother will be upset.
Check out the details and pick a side.
AITA for asking my brothers girlfriend and her mother to move out of my apartment?
Me (31m) and my brother (28m) have an apartment together.
His girlfriend (27f) and her mother (60f) needed to stay for a few months to get their financial situation together.
They were only supposed to stay for 3 months, but now its been 6 months.
His girlfriend has stepped on my toes several times since living her.
Wow, that is bold.
She’s invited her sister (23F who has a kid who she doesn’t know who the father is, and she’s stolen from her family several times) over without my permission, and tried to get her to stay with us for a week.
I told her no and ever since then she’s been acting distant toward me.
Why is her stuff still there?
Her mother already has a new boyfriend and he has an apartment, but still her materials take up a lot of space in our apartment.
My living room looks like a storage unit now.
I’ve been getting several noise complaints from my downstairs neighbors, she stomps loudly and she’s loud vocally early in the morning.
This is just rude.
We have extremely thin flooring/walls and I’ve asked her several times to stop stomping when she walks, and to be quieter in the morning.
She does this 2 hours before I have to wake up for work, and throughout the day.
She catches an attitude and still does it, and my younger brother doesn’t do anything about it.
Neither her or her mother cleans after themselves in the kitchen or the trash.
Even when I try to say hi, she just says hi and runs off into the room her and her mother stay in.
You shouldn’t live in anxiety like this.
She doesn’t speak to me at all, and it feels like there is tension in my apartment.
Would I be a jerk for asking them to move out of our apartment?
(It doesn’t bother me if they move out or leave, but would it tear the relationship between me and my brother apart? What do you suggest I do)
That sounds like a terrible living situation and it is more than reasonable to ask them to leave.
Take a look at what some of the people in the comments have to say.
She is definitely doing it on purpose.
Letting the landlord know might backfire.
Good questions.
This person says this could get him evicted.
Yup, his brother needs to handle this.
These people need to be kicked out ASAP!
No one wants tension at home.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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