Driver Saw A Litter Bug Throw Trash In The Road, So As Revenge He Picked It Up, Followed Him Home And Threw It In His Driveway
by Jayne Elliott
Littering is a bad idea, and it seems like most people have figured that out.
In today’s story, though, one person gets really annoyed when he sees another person litter.
He gets so irritated that he decides to get revenge, and he ends up getting revenge for years to come.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
Garbage Out / Garbage In
Late 80s, somewhat rural setting, I am driving home from work in the summer.
This older guy in front me throws a McDonalds soda cup out the window of his car, which I find irksome.
It lands in the road, and he keeps going for no more than a third of a mile then turns into his driveway, which just infuriates me.
So I bust a u-ey and go back to pick up the cup, still laying in the road, and when I go back by his house. I chuck it out my window onto his front lawn.
Later that night I am giggling imagining the guy coming out to find his own trash back on his own lawn.
He litters repeatedly in the same man’s yard.
Couple weeks later I’m coming down the same road and thinking about this guy.
I had been traveling a little so there was some garbage from a few fast food meals and road snacks on the floor of the car.
The inspiration hits.
I roll up on this guy’s house and throw it —all of it— out on his front lawn.
I do this every couple of weeks for the rest of the summer.
Even after moving, he came back to town and kept littering in this man’s yard.
That fall I moved out of state but would come back to visit every couple of months.
So I started saving all of my road trash and whenever I would come home I’d go and empty it out all over his front lawn.
Fast food bags, candy wrappers, soda bottles, all of it.
There’d be 30 or 40 pieces of garbage all down the road front.
Then I would laugh myself silly thinking about the guy coming out to find it.
Eventually he stopped littering in the man’s yard.
This went on for the better part of three years, and then I started to worry that maybe he had passed or moved while I was gone and I was menacing some innocent people, so at some point I stopped.
Still makes me chuckle 40 years later to imagine how mad it must have made him.
And yeah, could never get away with something like that these days.
There’s a saying that two wrongs don’t make a right, and that seems to come into play here.
While I understand the initial revenge, continually littering in this man’s yard is just littering.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
Here’s a similar revenge story…
He went too far.
What if it wasn’t the man’s house after all?
He became the bad guy.
I definitely think he should’ve stopped after the first time.
The rest was really out of line.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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