Her Sister “Moved In” On Her Property Without Asking, But This Sister Drew The Line At Receiving All Of Her Mail
by Benjamin Cottrell
Family ties may keep relationships together, but these siblings are hanging on by a thread.
One freeloading sibling begins treating their mother’s house like their own personal residence and continually disrespects their sibling.
Pushed too far, they couldn’t resist a subtle act of revenge to make a point.
Read on for the full story!
My Imperious sister tried to cut me off, but I got the last 😆
There has been some infighting among my siblings over some ridiculous stuff in the past.
This has pitted me and another sibling (the sensible ones) against three other siblings, but the five of us are all upset with one other sibling.
Anyway, my mother lives on my property, in a house my husband and I built for her to live in so she’s close by, and I can keep an eye on her.
I help her as needed.
The sister in question got “married” and then divorced in about six months time.
It is a different faith, so evidently, you can state “I divorce you” three times, and you’re divorced. 😳
Her transient sister found herself back home once again, and is freeloading like there’s no tomorrow.
She stayed with some siblings for a while and then came to roost at my mom’s place temporarily, as she decided to travel.
She has no home or bills.
She is not helping my mom with rent or utilities, and instead of keeping my mom company, she is out running around to different friends and gone all day.
She is supposedly buying groceries, cooked once (that I know of), and has done the dishes once (that I know of).
Then it became clear that this wasn’t just a temporary stay.
All of a sudden, all of her mail starts showing up in our shared mailbox, showing a change of address to my mom’s address.
We have a shared, locked mailbox.
She never asked us if it was okay.
We have a lease agreement with my mother, and any long-term guests are supposed to be cleared with us, per the agreement.
We don’t necessarily want her establishing residency, and we also don’t want to have to sort through all her mail.
To add insult to injury, she was also being just plain rude to her siblings.
We had been cordial despite the tensions (those are a story for a different thread).
Since she had been there, I had been getting terse texts from her regarding my mother.
No “hello,” no “hey, might want to check on this or that.”
Just rather imperious messages ordering me to do this or that.
I got a bit fed up with it all.
They tried to get her to move out, but of course, she resisted.
I sent her a text asking her to have her mail delivered elsewhere, and as she was talking (to my mother) about going on an extended trip.
I asked her to put in a change of address before she left.
I hear from my mom that that wasn’t nice.
Going up to collect my mom for an outing, I see her at the kitchen counter and said hello.
No response.
I wasn’t sure if she heard me, so as I left, I said a bit louder, “Hello, B.”
Still no response.
Then, her sibling sees an unexpected text come through on her spouse’s phone.
Later that day was a group text to all the siblings and my spouse.
Hilariously, his number was mistaken for mine (happens periodically when someone grabs the wrong text group).
This was the perfect opportunity to queue up some petty revenge.
It’s B telling me that, in light of past issues and current ones, she is not speaking to me unless it pertains to my mother, and I am no longer to do any more “performative” greetings to her.
I let that simmer for a week and then responded from my spouse’s phone: “Thanks for the heads up. Where would you like me to forward your mail?”
This sibling got their message across whether their sister liked it or not!
What did Reddit think?
If the sister won’t comply, she better hope she doesn’t receive anything important in the mail!
This redditor thinks it’s time to bring out the big guns.
The sister isn’t being nice, so why should her siblings be nice in return?
Her true intentions are crystal clear to this commenter.
This entitled sibling needs to learn her lesson one way or the other.
When words fail, the mailbox might just do the talking.
If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad siblings, family, family drama, FUNNY, mail, mom, petty revenge, picture, reddit, revenge, sibling rivalry, top

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