His Boss Threw Him Under The Bus To Cover Up His Bad Performance, So During A Meeting He Blamed A Bad Odor On His Boss
by Ashley Ashbee
It seems everyone has a horror story about a terrible boss.
Unfortunately most of these stories don’t involve karma.
The incident in this story does, and the employee only had to put up a little stink to get it his revenge.
Check out this employee’s unconventional method of vengeance.
Had a terrible boss who blamed his poor performance on me.
Many years ago I worked 2nd shift in a corporate production facility with the worst immediate supervisor I have ever encountered.
“Mike” spent most of his time in his office, reading or talking on the phone with his wife.
Any problems we encountered were met with disdain and disgust, and he usually chose me to blame for most of them and begrudgingly fixed what he could.
This usually involved the computer system that none of us were allowed to touch.
The drama keeps getting worse.
Our job mainly entailed printing reams of reports for our varied clientele, and mailing out hard copies and filing backups in our facility.
It was fast-paced and exhausting and coworkers frequently called in, so we were often shorthanded and forced to work late.
We had one particularly terrible month, where reports were sent to the wrong client, backups were filed in the wrong folders, and essentially lost.
Though there were 6 of us, he chose to single me out (unfairly) and I got written up and put on 90 days probation.
Had he done any work at all, we wouldn’t have been short staffed.
A few months later, we had a large company wide mandatory meeting, including the whole day shift and the big wigs from the main office.
About 30 people packed in a conference room designed to hold about 20.
We underlings sat in chairs at the back of the room, with my supervisor sitting right by me.
It was very stuffy and warm, and the meeting went way longer than anticipated.
Every time we thought it was wrapping up, a person would ask another question and extend the meeting 5-10 minutes.
But then an opportunity reveals itself.
As the meeting droned on, I felt my guts began to bubble.
I was doing everything I could to hold it in, but it was becoming evident that wasn’t going to happen.
I squeezed as tight as I could, but once it started to slip, there was no holding it back.
Thankfully, it came out silent and then it began to blossom.
As soon as the first person in front of us smelled it and turned around, I looked right at my boss.
Under my breath, but loud enough for the room to hear, I yelled “Mike!” with a look of disgust on my face as I scooted away from him.
The whole room fell silent and the meeting quickly came to a close as he sat there red faced and stammering “But, but, I didn’t….” as everyone quickly exited the room.
I quit before he could get me fired.
It was worth every bit of it.
Here is what folks are saying.
A lot of managers and executives still want paper copies to look at and have filed. I don’t get it either.
Indeed. Why did they have to go extinct?!
Why? Does he love farts in awkward moments?
I was wondering what the fallout could be…
If only we could all fart at will to conquer this problem.
Maybe he should change his diet.
Now that the gas has done its job.
Thought that was satisfying? Check out what this employee did when their manager refused to pay for their time while they were traveling for business.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad boss, disgusting, fart, petty revenge, picture, reddit, top, work meetings

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