His Childhood Friendship Grew Into A Relationship Without Him Realizing It, So When He Unintentionally Hurt His Female Friend’s Feelings He Has To Reassess Everything
by Michael Levanduski
Growing up with a close friend who eventually develops into a significant other can be a great thing for some people.
What would you do if you didn’t even realize that your relationship had gone from just friends to something more over the course of time?
That is what happened to the young man in this story, and then he accidentally hurt this girl’s feelings and he doesn’t know what to do.
You’re going to want to read this one for yourself.
AITA for not figuring out i was in relationship?
For the background: Me(23 male) and my friend (23 female) both were raised on the same countryside.
We both went to same pre-school, primary school, middle school, high school and college.
We were always hanging out, basically every day since we are just from the villages next to each other, around 3 km by foot.
We always played together and shared every possible moment since we can remember.
Sounds like a great relationship.
She is basically like a sister to me so we acted like that for most of the time, physical contact was normal, teasing, playfulness,hugs, sleeping on shoulder etc, holding hands.
I always thought it was more or less norm.
When we grew up a bit we were never really looking for relationships.
I never thought about getting a girlfriend and she never had a boyfriend, we decided we have priorities which is getting good education, stable incomes etc.
Relationship was just a distraction in our goals, or at least I thought that.
We went on our “friend dates” often, couple of times a week.
I hanged out at her parents house as often as she was at mine.
Cinema, food, game nights, village parties and festivals but we never went from friendly closeness to romantic closeness, I think…
This week she stayed at my family house, we were both grinding event in Elder Scrolls online and procrastinating.
In the morning i made us a breakfast, got morning hug and then it happened…
Quite bold of the mom.
My mother came for breakfast too, sat down and commented on us together:
“when can i expect grandkids from you guys” she said,
I thought jokingly, but no. She was serious.
I looked at her and told her that it’s not my priority and that first i would need to have someone.
My friend looked at me with disbelief, my mother looked at me with shock like i just said something so confusing and wrong.
It got me worried so I asked what happened.
He was totally oblivious.
Then my friend asked me what I was thinking that “we” were.
“What do you think we had going on for the past years?”
I was beyond confused, I was speechless, I had no idea that in everyone’s eyes we were a couple.
My mom bursted laughing, my friend too.
I quickly took my jacket and went for a walk…
When I came back at home there was this awkward silence and I said that I need time to think things over.
The friend got visibly mad at me… and she left..
It was couple of hours ago and I have no idea what to do…
I think she is hurt.
I tried texting and calling her but she is not responding.
Am i a jerk for being blind for so long?
I’m not good at relationships and emotions so I really had no idea.
Simple miscommunication, but this is going to be awkward!
Let’s see if the people in the comments have any advice.
This comment points out that it is likely a cultural thing.
Here is someone who went through something similar.
It is definitely a strange situation.
This person says they were not in a relationship.
This is going to be awkward, hopefully they can get past it.
Or not. I don’t even know.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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