His Coworkers Keep Expecting A Free Ride Home In His New Car, But It’s So Expensive He Eventually Asks For Fair Compensation
by Ashley Ashbee
The thing about asking for favors is that etiquette dictates that you thank the person and also do something nice and helpful in return.
Otherwise, you might end up looking like a mooch.
Keep reading to see what the expectations were in this scenario.
AITA because I refuse to drive my coworkers home without compensation?
I have been offering/accepting requests from coworkers to give them a lift home whenever possible.
I never asked for any compensation since it is only about a 15-20-minute detour.
But, about a month ago, I finally had the opportunity to buy a new car.
Before that, I had a 1999 Ford Fiesta.
It was my first car and I barely spent any money on gas.
And this is where it gets tricky.
I don’t have many financial responsibilities, so I chose to enjoy being a young man with a decent salary and bought a supercar.
I LOVE my new car, and so do my coworkers, which means a lot more requests started coming my way for lifts home.
I’ve worked at my current job for about 6 months, and I’ve probably done over 100 detours to make my coworkers happy.
Here’s the problem: not ONCE have I been offered any form of compensation from any of them, even though they would’ve had to pay for public transport if I didn’t offer them a lift.
My new car is quite a bit more expensive than my old one, which means it does not drive that far km/l (approx 12-13 km/l).
Apparently, this is completely otherworldly for my coworkers.
So he puts a solution in place.
Today, I said no for the first time.
I got asked if I could give them a lift, and I said “Sure, if you pay me the fee you would have to for public transport, I’ll drive you home.”
This did not sit well with them.
I think I’m being as fair as possible, since I don’t want to keep losing money by giving them a free service that they don’t seem to appreciate.
So, AITA because I won’t give free lifts to my coworkers anymore since it’s becoming a financial burden on me?
Here is what folks are saying.
His tone was a bit confrontational, but they shouldn’t keep pushing.
And you’re not an amusement park ride either. Having a cool car does not entitle anyone to a free ride.
Exactly. The type of car is irrelevant.
This option would simplify things!
I don’t get it either. I suspect they’re just really cheap and entitled.
Drive off into the sunset, just you and your car…
Because you probably don’t have any friends.
If you liked that post, check out this one about an employee that got revenge on HR when they refused to reimburse his travel.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, annoying coworkers, freeloaders, new car, picture, reddit, ride share, top

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