His Mom Refused To Let Him Get Tested For ADHD, So One Day His Dad Picked Him Up From School And Took Him To Do Just That
by Jayne Elliott
People who have ADHD often have trouble focusing, which can be a huge problem when it comes to getting things done.
Imagine going to school and not being able to focus!
Having undiagnosed ADHD can be an even bigger problem because the symptoms are there but there’s no treatment plan.
In today’s story, one teen is pretty sure he has ADHD, but his mom refuses to let him get tested.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for Going to get tested behind my moms back with my dad
Just for reference I am a 16 year old male turning 17 in two weeks.
This problem started about 3 years ago, when I would tell my mom how much of a hard time I was having to focus.
This affected my learning.
I would often procrastinate and even then I would still get distracted by simple things.
I would struggle to sit in one place for not even half a minute, I just couldn’t, I had to move.
I don’t know why but I have an annoying feeling kinda like a tingle in my legs if I don’t move them often.
He wanted to get tested for ADHD.
I asked my mom if I could get an ADHD test, she said no.
As time went by I brought it up multiple times and her reaction was always the same answer “You don’t have ADHD, I know people with ADHD and you don’t act like them.”
That’s a weird thing to say because everyone is different.
His friend thinks he has ADHD.
I talked to my friend (we’ll call him Cam) about it and he looked at me and told me that he knows I have ADHD.
(For info Cam has moderate to severe ADHD.)
He told me that he takes meds for it and could give me one if i need it.
I thanked him and went to class.
His teacher wonders if he has ADHD.
A couple days later I was first period which I have with Cam. When my teacher Mrs.B wanted to talk to me outside.
When we got there she asked me if I have ADHD and if I have meds for it.
I told her that I think I do, and I told her about the situation with my mom.
Well being the best teacher that Mrs.B is she decided to call her, but yet again my mom just brushed it off.
His dad wants to get him tested.
Caring for me, she decided to call my dad.
My dad said that he had been wanting to take me for a long time and my mom just wouldn’t let it happen.
So after talking with my dad she pulled me aside again and told me to make sure i’m ready on thursday during class.
On Thursday y I get there and 20 mins later I get called to leave class because I’m going home.
I was confused but just assumed it was an appointment.
Turns out he has ADHD.
I was picked up by my dad and we went to the doctors and I was hit with a bunch of questions from some dude, he even asked my dad about some.
The test came back as severe ADHD.
Later I get home and tell my mom about it and she is mad.
She starts yelling at me and my dad and about how we went behind her back to do this.
His mom is furious that he got tested.
My dad snaps back telling her that this has been affecting my schooling for years.
But my mom insists that its because I’m not working hard enough and that I don’t have ADHD.
Yet again because she know people with ADHD and I don’t act like them.
My dad replies again saying that if someone is depressed it’s not gonna be the same as your friend.
My mom was at a loss for words, now that someone had pointed out the flaw in her logic.
My mom is still mad and is making me out to be the bad guy to all my family.
I wonder why his mom is so upset at the idea of him having ADHD.
Now that he has a confirmed diagnosis, he can get the medication he needs to deal with it.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
His mother is the one who was wrong.
The mom has issues.
His mother is selfish.
He is lucky that his dad is there for him.
His mom is just thinking about herself.
Thank goodness his teacher called his dad!
And his dad took action.
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