His Parents Gave Him A Cute Name But Now Regret It, So They’re Trying To Convince Him To Change It To Something More “Grown Up”
by Mila Cardozo
Naming a child is a huge responsibility.
Some parents know instantly, others are on the fence or think about it for months.
In this story, we learn that this teen’s parents not only regretted the name they gave him, but kept trying to convince him to change it.
But he refused and is now wondering if he’s in the wrong for doing so.
Let’s analyze the situation.
AITA for telling my parents I’m not changing my name because of their name regret?
I (16 year old male) am my parents youngest kid
I am also the only kid they named based on what they liked vs what the family wanted them to name us.
My siblings were all named after family members like both my dad’s and mom’s families prefer.
By the time they got around to having me they decided to choose a name based on what they liked and not based on family.
So they named me Sunny.
Yeah, the “girl version” of Sonny.
I don’t care. I don’t think Sunny is girly because it has a u vs an o.
But anyway.
My parents started to regret my name when I was maybe 10?
I don’t remember exactly when, but I can remember being about 10 and my parents started sometimes calling me by my middle name and only stopping when I told them it was weird and I liked my first name.
So they have been regretting this decision for many years.
When I was 13 they asked me if I ever went by a nickname and I said no.
Last year they said some kids change their names before graduating high school because they want something more grown up and they want to save the added expense of changing the name on their degree.
I was like “oh, I guess if people want that it makes sense.”
Then I said it must feel terrible to hate your name.
They kept planting seeds in his mind.
Six months ago my parents said I look like a James nicknamed Jamie.
I asked them why they thought that and they said I just had that look.
They asked what I thought of the name and I said I like Jamie but prefer Sunny.
Then they asked if I liked the name Luke and I said no.
They were blatantly ambushing him. But the seeds wouldn’t grow.
In June they asked me if I would consider letting them change my name to something different.
They said they feel like they named me as a big “we don’t care” to their families, but felt bad that I had such an unserious name for a man.
I told them I didn’t want to change my name and I always loved the way they talked about finding my name.
They said their feelings had changed and they felt like the name being cute and light and full of hope wasn’t great for going into my adult years.
Ouch. Excuse me?!
They said they deeply regretted it.
I told them I was glad they made the choice they did and they shouldn’t stress it.
But last week they got the paperwork for a legal name change and presented me with like three name choices and asked me to pick.
They said they really didn’t want to live with the guilt.
I told them I’m not changing my name because of their name regret.
I told them how I feel about my name is more important now.
They told me I should at least think of their feelings and that I should consider the future and whether I’ll be taken seriously.
His parents sound like narcissists.
Let’s see what Reddit has to say.
A reader shares their thoughts.
Short and straight to the point.
This commenter pleads.
More power to weather names!
A commenter offers a few points to consider.
Another reader chimes in.
A good plan!
What a great way to plant insecurities in your child’s mind.
This kid sounds pretty awesome.
If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, baby name, bad parents, controlling parents, family drama, narcissistic parent, picture, reddit, top

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