His Two-Faced Coworker Dumps Last-Minute Tasks On Him While She Gets Praised For Efficiency, So He Messed Up Her Filing System To Get Back At Her
by Heide Lazaro
There is always that one employee who looks like an angel when the boss is around and then shifts into something else when the boss leaves.
When this man’s boss wasn’t around, his coworker would slack off and dump her work on others.
So, to get back at her, he messed up her filing system and rattled her during a meeting with their boss.
Read below for all the details.
How I Got Back at My Two-Faced Coworker
So, I work in an office where one of my coworkers, Kelly, always acted like the perfect employee around our manager.
But the second his back was turned, she’d slack off, dump work on others, and be generally unpleasant.
She would go out of her way to make things harder for the rest of us.
But, of course, when our manager was around, she’d suddenly be the epitome of efficiency, perfection, and helpfulness.
This man complains about Kelly’s behavior.
This two-faced behavior started affecting my work because she’d pawn off last-minute tasks on me, which made me look bad for not finishing on time.
Meanwhile, Kelly would always get praise for being “on top of things.”
It drove me nuts.
He wanted to teach her a lesson.
I tried calling her out a couple of times, but she always had some typical excuse or pretended like she misunderstood the situation.
So, I decided that if I couldn’t directly call her out, I’d have to do something to make her stumble.
Kelly is the type of person known for her organizational skills.
You see, Kelly has this thing about making sure she’s seen as the most organized person in the office.
She lives for it.
Her desk is always spotless, and she’s got color-coded folders for everything.
So, he messed up her files and folders a bit.
So, one day, when she was out on a lunch break, I “accidentally” messed up her precious folder system.
I didn’t do anything crazy—just swapped a few labels and re-filed a couple of documents in the wrong folders.
Nothing too obvious at first glance, but enough to throw her off.
During the meeting, she was confused and helpless.
Cue the next team meeting, where our manager was going over some projects, and Kelly couldn’t find the right documents when he asked for them.
She was visibly flustered, and I made sure to offer a helpful, “Maybe you misfiled them?”
She looked like she was going to explode.
He watched her as she reorganized her filing system for the rest of the week.
The best part?
Our manager looked annoyed at her for the first time, and I could tell it ate her alive.
She spent the rest of the week going through her entire filing system trying to figure out what went wrong.
All while I sat back, doing my actual work without her dumping any more of it on me.
Petty? Yup. Worth it? Absolutely.
Haha! That’s quite hilarious.
Let’s see how others reacted to this.
This user shares some genuine tips.
Here’s a valid point from this one.
LOL! People are sharing some evil ideas.
Here’s another one.
While this one suggests doing it on the next level.
Revenge is best served in disorganized files and folders.
You can’t let things like this slide.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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