She Hired A Nanny To Look After Her Kid, But Her Dad Is Furious That She Won’t Let Him Look After His Grandkid Instead. So She Tells Him The Real Reason She Won’t Let Him Babysit.
by Ashley Ashbee
Having a child of your own can bring up old wounds about your own childhood.
This can help you make good parenting decisions, but it can also lead to conflict. At least it did in this case.
Check out how this grandfather reacted to what his daughter said to him.
AITA for telling my dad the real reason why he’s not allowed to babysit?
I am the eldest sibling of 4 and my son is my father’s only grandkid.
My husband and I have been working from home and caring for our child ever since my maternity leave ended about a year ago.
It was okay at first because we both have flexible schedules but about a year in we realized this arrangement was not the best for our mental health.
So they tried something else.
We decided to hire a nanny Monday and Tuesday so that we can go to the office, socialize with adults and work uninterrupted a couple days a week. The woman we hired shares the same parenting ideas and has a 3 year old who she brings to our house on the days she babysits.
We’re extremely happy with her and our kid always looks forward to spending time with them.
My father is extremely unhappy we don’t ‘just bring the child over to his place’ and leave his grandson with a ‘literal stranger’ instead of family.
The thing is, my father knows nothing about kids and is unwilling to learn, claiming he’s already an expert. He hasn’t changed a single diaper in his life.
He was the kind of father that comes back from work, eats dinner, scolds the younger kids for 15 minutes and retreats to his office to drink whiskey and read for the rest of the evening.
Ever since my son was born dad has been giving unsolicited parenting advice that is borderline insane like telling me to potty train a 4 month old and mocking my parenting choices.
I’ve put up with him only because I know how hard it’s been for him since mom passed away 3 years ago but I would never trust him with my kid.
And it hasn’t gone over well.
This weekend he came over for dinner and we had a huge fight about the nanny situation.
I lost it and told him I’d never leave my son alone with him because he’s incompetent to a point it’s dangerous to leave a child alone with him.
He got offended and told me he knows much more than I do because he raised 4 kids.
This is where I might be the AH. I told him he didn’t raise us, mom did.
I asked him what my brother was allergic to, when my birthday was and similar things just to prove a point. He did not answer and stormed off.
My husband thinks I might have been unnecessarily harsh. I admit to having raised my voice and mocking his so called parenting on purpose.
My sister thinks I’m the AH for talking to dad like that as he’s been struggling ever since mom passed away. So, AITA?
Here is what folks are saying.
I call this selective memory.
Exactly. If he didn’t want to get the bear, why did he poke the bear?
3 years is a long time. It sounds like he’s using grief to manipulate her.
Some people need the cold hard truth.
I don’t see them reconciling any time soon.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, childcare, entitled, grandchild, nanny, picture, reddit, retired grandpa, top

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