Husband Is Upset That His Wife Won’t Drop Everything To Do His “Heavy Duty” Chores On Sundays, But She Insists That She Has To Clean The House And Take Care Of The Kids
by Mila Cardozo
Imagine having a spouse that not only doesn’t appreciate what you do, but also complains about it online.
This is exactly what a man did and people did not let it go unnoticed.
But is he really in the wrong?
Let’s analyze the situation.
AITA For calling my wife out for never doing the hard chores
My wife (40 year old female) and I (39 year old male) have been married for 7 years and have 2 kids (4 & 2).
We both work full-time but have different schedules.
I work a standard M-F 40-hour week.
My wife’s job requires her to work Saturdays so she takes random days off during the week to compensate.
Both of our kids are in daycare during the week.
Note that both of them work full-time.
When my wife takes a day off during the week, she will get chores done like cleaning, shopping, laundry, etc.
It is great that she can get that stuff done on her off days.
But these are things that can also be done on the weekend.
She will leave other, more labor-intensive chores for me to do on the weekend.
We have a 1-acre yard so there is always yard work to be done.
And it is nearly impossible for me to do that kind of work on Saturdays when she’s at work and I have the kids.
Imagine wanting your wife to do “labor-intensive chores” after she gave birth to two kids and is working full time.
I’ve talked to her numerous times about doing yard work on her days off when I’m at work and the kids are in daycare.
But she refuses because “it’s too hard.”
Which, yeah, I know. I’m the only one who does it.
It’s even harder when you’re chasing around 2 kids.
This means that I have to spend pretty much my entire Sunday doing yard work.
Every single week.
We’ve argued because she gets work and kid-free day to herself to get things done.
But she picks the easiest chores and leaves the hard ones for me to do on my one remaining weekend day.
I work M-F, then have the kids by myself all day Saturday.
I just want to spend some time on Sunday watching football and relaxing.
But I can’t because of the yardwork.
This past week, my wife took Thursday off and got some chores done.
When I got home with the kids that night, she made some comments that annoyed me.
She kept saying “We still need to mow the lawn this weekend.”
“We need to trim some bushes and trees and bring the brush to the yard waste site.”
“I think we should rake up all the fallen pine needles and pine cones to use as fire-starters.”
I snapped at her and asked her which of those things she was going to do, since she kept saying “we.”
She got defensive and said that she is going to be watching the kids so that I could get that stuff done.
I wonder why she “got defensive”.
I told her that I think she is using the word “we” incorrectly then, because it sounds like I’m going to be the one doing all of it.
She then went off about all the things she got done on her day off.
When I told her that I could do all of those things on Saturday, even with the kids, but she refuses to do any of the hard stuff.
I then asked her if she could tell me the last day she had the kids by herself when I wasn’t home.
She couldn’t answer and called me rude.
I told her if I can learn to fold a fitted sheet, then she can learn how to use a rake, a lawnmower, a weed whip, etc.
I also told her that I am going to start planning things for myself on weekends so that I have my own time, even if it means hiring a sitter.
She thinks I’m overreacting and expecting too much of her because the yard work is hard.
They need to work on their communication skills ASAP, but he’s definitely in the wrong.
Let’s see what Redditors’s take is on this.
A reader has a few important questions.
This commenter shares their unfiltered thoughts.
This person offers a simple solution.
He sounds seriously unappreciative.
Both of them have their plates full.
Does he even hear himself?
It sounds like they could both use a break.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bad husband, chores, division of labor, family drama, marriage, picture, reddit, relationships, top

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