We Might Not Think There’s A Correct Way To Put In A New Trash Bag, But The Internet Shows Us All We’re All Wrong
by Laura Lynott
Putting the bag in the trash can the right way is actually a thing, y’all and if you didn’t know, you need to listen up!
I mean, frankly, I know ya’ll are asking how exactly can you put a trash bag on wrong?
But apparently there’s a right and a wrong way and this job should be done a specific way.
Who knew…
Well, Sasha Dennocenzo (@sashadenno) says she knows and apparently y’all should know too.
I mean, you wouldn’t want the trash cops called on you would you?! Ha.
So, Sacha told her followers in this oh so viral clip: “I was today years old when I found out garbage bags come inside out in the box.
“Install like this, and they are right side up!.”
Eh, say what?
So, she filmed herself putting the garbage bag in what many of us would say is inside out but hey it looks right.
She wrote how she “felt dumb” for not knowing this little household trick. But come on, she ain’t alone.
At least I didn’t know anyhow – did you? Don’t lie now or you’re going in the trash with that inside out bag!
There seems to be a right way and a wrong way to do everything now. What next, we were meant to clean our teeth with our fingers?!
Watch the full clip here:
@sashadenno Now I feel dumb 🫢😂💀 #millennial #millennialsoftiktok #momsoftiktok #millennials #millennialmom #nowyouknow #noway #momcomedy #momcomedy #millennialcomedy #millennialhumor #fyp #fypofficial
Here’s what people thought of the clip:
I feel this!
Ha, love this!
Battle lines have been drawn!
Eh, I’m not sure it makes much of a difference.
Either way, it holds the trash.
Now that you’ve read that story, check out this one about a delivery driver who took a $400 grocery order back because she wasn’t given a tip.

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