December 6, 2024 at 7:44 pm

A Homeowner Damaged His Vehicle After They Got Into An Altercation About His Parking Spot, So He Bought A Junker And Played The Long Game

by Michael Levanduski

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

When you live in a busy area, you have to expect that you’ll have difficulty finding a parking spot sometimes.

What would you do if the spot you parked in was in front of someone’s home and they told you that you couldn’t park there (and then proceeded to damage your vehicle when you ignored them)?

That is what the driver in this story experienced, so once he moved out of the area, he got his revenge.

Take a look.

Slash my tyres because I park outside your house? We’ll see about that.

My friend’s Dad, Ben, owned a flat on a busy street, and – as is common – found himself unable to park outside as there was very limited parking.

The parking which was available was assigned to other properties.

Not a terrible situation.

This wasn’t too much of an issue, however, as there was a road nearby with unrestricted parking and plenty of space.

Ben selected a space not too far from his flat on a stretch of road which had no parking restrictions.

He found this space to pretty much always be available.

Now I don’t know about you, but little annoys me more than people thinking that the public road outside of their house is in some way an extension of their property.

Or that people who use that road to park their – completely inconspicuous – cars, have wronged them.

Ben was no different.

The day after first parking in the spot a nearby front door had opened and a man had appeared.

“Can’t park there.”

“This is a public road. There is no reason why I can’t park here.”

He doesn’t own the road!

“You can’t park there, move your car.” He then slammed the door.

Ben chose to ignore the man as he had done nothing wrong.

Not long after he started parking there Ben noticed a scratch near his passenger side mirror.

Someone had keyed his car.

At this stage Ben had his suspicions from his altercation a week prior but he had no way of knowing if this had happened when parked there or when parked somewhere else.

He couldn’t be sure how long the scratch had been there.

A week later, though, he was sure.

Wow, that escalated quickly.

Two of his tyres had been slashed on his car overnight.

It was clearly the guy who’d accosted him.

Ben weighed up his options and, after paying the hefty fees to repair the damage, elected to move his car and park it elsewhere.

Furthermore, he decided not to confront the man or inform the authorities.

There was absolutely no way to prove who had done the damage and he also didn’t want the police to have any record of the incident.

For now, the man who had confronted him was allowed to think he’d won his hallowed piece of road back.

Eleven months later, Ben’s lease ran out and he moved to another part of town.

Not long after, he put his plan into action.

What is he going to do?

One morning – cash in pocket – Ben visited a local scrapyard and asked the owner if he could look at his cars.

Shortly after he had made his purchase – a very old Volvo.

It was drivable – just about – and it was very, very ugly.

Panels were a collection of different colours and half of the car was covered in rust.

Now I don’t know the ins and outs of how cars are tracked and registered, but Ben had managed to arrange affairs so that the car was not traceable to him.

I bet that guy was very mad.

One night, roads quiet, he drove the beat up Volvo and parked it right outside of his aggressor’s house and walked away.

Ben would drive past now and again and was delighted to see that it stayed there for a number of months before it was removed.

This was technically harmless but definitely caused the guy a lot of anger.

Take a look at the comments to see what they have to say.

That would have been perfect.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This would have been funny.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

People get better results when asking nice.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

This guy wanted to see more revenge.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Some people have more patience than others.

I think I would have called the cops.

If you liked that story, check out this post about a group of employees who got together and why working from home was a good financial decision.