December 6, 2024 at 12:23 am

Aunt Tried To Sell Inherited Property, But She Was Unable To Because She Wasn’t The Only Person On The Deed

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/AITA/Shutterstock

If you inherit property but want to sell it, it can be tricky, especially if the property was left to multiple family members.

In today’s story, one woman inherits property that she wants to sell, but she isn’t the only one who inherited the property.

She can’t sell it unless her family members agree.

Let’s see how the story unfolds…

AITA for refusing to selling inherited property?

In 2000 my Grandfather had a major stroke.

My aunt and cousin were living with my grandfather, but my dad was given power of attorney.

My dad hired nurses to take care of him during the day.

My sister and I were still in high school, but we lived 1.4 miles away, so after school we would relieve the nurses for a few hours until my dad got home for work.

A year later, things got even worse…

A year after my grandfather’s stroke, my mother had a brain aneurysm and stroke herself.

My dad gave power of attorney to his sister to focus on my mom’s care.

Unbeknownst to us, my aunt and cousin began bad mouthing my father, sister and I, saying we were neglecting my grandfather not visiting etc which was not true.

I would call and talk to my grandfather at least once a week but couldn’t see him because I no longer lived in the city because of college and my sister still visited almost daily.

The grandfather changed his will.

Since she had power of attorney, she somehow convinced my grandfather and other relatives we no longer cared for him and had my grandfather’s will changed so everything he owned went to her when he died.

She sold everything except the house he lived in.

We got nothing, not even family albums with our pictures in it.

The aunt destroyed a family business.

A few years later, our relatives saw for themselves how greedy and money hungry she was.

My great uncle owned a thriving liquor store but wanted to retire, and she offered to take over.

He gave her all the inventory with the promise to pay him each month.

She didn’t do it.

The store went out of business.

She kept odd hours and raised prices which stopped people from coming.

She was making no money and couldn’t pay for the inventory let alone the rent.

The store closed.

She hardly sees the aunt.

My father passed in 2013.

We involved her in the planning, but since then I have only seen her once at a wedding.

She did not acknowledge my mother’s passing in 2020, didn’t show up, send a card or call.

I personally didn’t tell her, one of our relatives did and she was in the family chat and email chain that gave information.

Her dad owned land he didn’t know about.

Tuesday she called my sister and told her that my grandmother had about an acre of property that was willed to my father and her.

We did not know about this land. S

he said she wanted to sell it because taxes have gone up and she couldn’t afford it.

The aunt owes back taxes on the land.

The property wasn’t in my father’s will because he didn’t know about it, so my sister and I needed to sign heirship paperwork.

We told her ok, but needed to have a lawyer look at it.

Turned out my aunt has not paid taxes in over 20 years and owes $8,888.65.

The aunt wanted to sell the property without telling OP.

She signed the contract to sell the property for 25k in November, with it being finalized in December.

The company found out she didn’t own the land completely and stopped the sale.

So, she never planned to tell us about the land or sale, and was going to keep the money to herself.

I told our lawyer I wasn’t signing anything.

She is supposed to pay half of the back taxes.

Her lawyer told us that then we were responsible for half of the back taxes.

I said I wasn’t paying either.

That I would rather lose the land to auction for lack of payment than to let her have a dime.


I think the aunt deserves to lose the property considering what she was trying to pull.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…

The aunt deserves what she gets.

Source: Reddit/AITA

She should talk to a lawyer.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Here’s another vote for talking to a lawyer.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Money is still money.

Source: Reddit/AITA

I’d take the profit, but the aunt deserves revenge!

What an absolute piece of work.

If you liked that story, read this one about grandparents who set up a college fund for their grandkid because his parents won’t, but then his parents want to use the money to cover sibling’s medical expenses.