Boss Belittles And Curses At The Employees, So A Contractor Documents Everything He Witnesses And Gets Him Fired
by Jayne Elliott
Working for a boss who treats you with zero respect sounds like a nightmare, but that was the real life situation for the employees in today’s story. He would call them names and yell at them. If they tried to report him, they’d get fired.
Then a contractor comes in and decides to get revenge on this bad boss.
See how the story plays out…
Partner with limited authority over management. Playing from workers dugout though.
I had recently partnered with a small production facility in my area. Our contract was based on capital investment along with designing/implementing new automation processes (2yr outlook finished in 8mo).
Was a typical small production facility comprised of 50 production workers through 2 shifts of 12 hours that ran 2 days on then 3 days off. Also had 2 production supervisors for each shift and 1 maintenance supervisor for each shift.
The people and their attitude is ultimately what led to my decision to be more than an outside contractor for this company until I worked the night shift for a week due to shutdowns that needed to occur to implement certain line upgrades.
This is where I met him.
Meet Richard…
We will call him Richard Head.
Richard seemed like a nice guy in our first few encounters, and then I heard him in his element directing his maintenance crew at night over the radio.
He would belittle this group of guys who were there to do a set task list every night for whatever machinery they were doing preventative maintenance on. Unless something broke on the line which would require attention first obviously.
I have never heard grown men spoken to like this and never heard any nasty remarks back or defending themselves.
Richard really did say horrible things.
He would call them stupid on the radio if they were having trouble troubleshooting a problem, call some fat and lazy, called one black guy “The N” word.
The guy had been there since they opened the doors and to be honest made me want to rescind any commitment I have ever made to this company.
When I escalated this up to the plant manager he assured me that it was friendly banter and they rarely had complaints against him.
True because anyone who ever did so in confidence of anonymity was always outed and then singled out until they were terminated by him.
OP documented everything…
Since no one was going to listen to me, I decided to do my due diligence and started to document everything I heard on the radio with a date/time, witnesses to the treatment, and what rights the individual was having violated due to our state and federal outlines.
I made this spreadsheet my entire time in the shift documenting every personal account I witnessed as well.
Harassment is a major problem with industry work, but the one that I have learned is the company killer is retaliation.
If you can prove that then they stand no chance.
OP decided it was time to use his documentation.
I saw him one night tearing down this 50 year old man who requested 2 days off to the point I wanted to lose my cool, but knew it would ruin all the information I was gathering.
Days off were bc his nephew was just in a car accident 2 days prior and had to have multiple reconstructive surgeries scheduled.
I knew that now was the time to move on everything.
I rounded up all the maintenance guys and shared all my documentation with them.
OP was confident that documentation would change things.
They didn’t realize the importance of this information like I had. They just said nothing will change.
Nothing changed Bc no one treats an issue as an issue if you come with incorrect non-detailed information.
The fact that he used the radio so much was a godsend that they didn’t see as well. When he spoke this way to people he must not have ever realized that there are other supervisors on shift, and that they in fact they unintentionally became the strongest witness in the cases especially when you have some audio recordings verifying the accounts.
They have no choice but to acknowledge what they have heard.
Richard got fired.
Each worker took their logs, and even though I have a capital/time investment in this facility, I urged them at a minimum to petition to have this man removed or to threaten legal action.
Once they coordinated a day to expose all this, it was like watching a sports movie when the underdogs take the championship and get the girl at the same time.
Not only did the man finally get fired but the entire atmosphere around the place changed more than I could imagine.
All of the workers were thankful for OP’s help.
Older machines ran the best they have ever ran in my time there, and people loved coming to work again.
They also put a placard on my door for when I came in about a week later. It said “#1 Boss” but the boss was crossed out and hand engraved under it was the word BAD***.
I obviously removed it from my door but I put it in my home office and is probably the best thing I have EVER received from a facility.
It was really nice of him to go to so much work documenting everything to help the workers. That boss deserved to get fired.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
It’s great that he helped the workers.
This is how it’s done!
Richard didn’t deserve power.
Maybe they should’ve negotiated a higher salary.
Here’s another good point…
Documentation is key!
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad boss, boss, documentation, manager, picture, pro revenge, reddit, top

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