December 8, 2024 at 5:21 am

Demanding Neighbors Tried To Strong-Arm A Gentle Aunt Into Giving Up Her Property, So Her Relatives Made Sure Neighbors Had Nowhere to Park

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Getty/izzetugutmen, Reddit/PettyRevenge

Not all neighbors are created equal. Some will be there for you in a time of need, but others seems to enjoy testing just how much nonsense you’ll tolerate.

One woman’s neighbors constantly harass her, but she declines to stoop to their level.

That is, until one concerned relative decided they wouldn’t let their dear aunt be bullied any longer.

Read on to find out what they did to get back at these lousy neighbors!

Neighbors lose free parking spot due to bullying

My aunt’s neighbors are the type of people to take pictures of your yard and send it to the city to complain.

They’ve done this three times.

The wife even approached my aunt and told her how she complained to the city.

This specific neighbor doesn’t have a parking space.

However, my aunt does, but she doesn’t drive.

The aunt has been nothing but kind to her neighbors.

For years, she has allowed them to use her street parking space without complaint, even with them reporting and bullying her.

About four years ago, they asked my aunt’s permission to do some building work on her porch so they could make a parking space.

But the neighbors refused to show her any good will in return, and in fact, went out of their way to take advantage of her at every turn.

They wanted to take half of my aunt’s porch, so she said no. They got mad and told her they’d do it anyway.

My aunt complained to the city, and the city told her that if they started building work, she should call the police.

For weeks, it was radio silent.

They were very persistent.

Then, once again, my aunt was approached by the husband asking if they could take half of her porch.

Once again, she said no.

He got mad, asked why, and started bashing my aunt, telling her she doesn’t even own the home and how he doesn’t need permission.

Their bullying went beyond just cruel words.

My aunt used to share a small back fence with these people, but they built a taller fence on their side and then knocked the old fence into my aunt’s backyard.

She saw the husband with a metal pipe doing this.

I got so mad and asked my aunt why she didn’t call the cops.

That’s criminal damage.

But my aunt doesn’t want any problems with these people.

On top of everything else, they’re extremely hypocritical

They also occasionally have house parties from 9 p.m. until the early hours, playing loud music.

My aunt has never called the cops on them.

Yet, when my aunt had a small barbecue party at 12 p.m. on a Saturday, they called the cops on her.

They must’ve made some nonsense up, as the cops did show up and were as confused as we were.

When relatives came to visit, they witnessed the neighbors’ abuse firsthand.

On a visit to my aunt’s house, I parked my car in her parking spot.

Within 20 minutes, the husband came banging on the door.

I opened it, and he started screaming at me to move my car.

I said no, and before I could shut the door in his face, he put his foot in the door, preventing me from closing it.

At that point, I was mad.

I told him he’d better move his foot before I called the cops because he was scaring me.

He backed off and told me I’d better move my car, or he’d be the one calling the cops.

So they hatched a plan to really tick off the no-good neighbors.

My aunt recently passed her driving theory test, and once she passes her practical test, she can drive.

So, I decided to buy her a car just to mess with the neighbors.

Now they have no parking space.

Yes, they were really mad, but what can they do It’s her space, and she doesn’t even drive yet, so it just sits there collecting dust.

If they were nice, decent people, my aunt might have let them have part of her porch.

But from day one, they acted like pieces of crap.

Hopefully the neighbors learn that cruel behavior doesn’t always get you your way.

What did Reddit think?

This commenter could hardly believe what they were reading.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

The neighbor’s abusive behavior may work on some, but one day, they’re going to cross the wrong person.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

These neighbors sound like they need a little extra monitoring.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

The neighbor’s brazenness is just unbelievable.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Their aunt may not drive yet, but now she’s in full control.

The neighbors lost the privileges they’d taken for granted, with no one but themselves to blame.

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