Dental Hygienist Demands A Patient Close Their Mouth, So The Patient Finally Complied Even Though The Hygienist’s Finger Was In The Way
by Heather Hall
It’s not every day you experience drama at a routine dental appointment, but sometimes things take an unexpected turn.
So, what would you do if the person working on your teeth gave you conflicting instructions, leaving you caught between confusion and frustration? Would you push back? Or would you follow their orders, even if it didn’t seem like a great idea?
In the following story, one patient finds themselves in this exact predicament.
Here’s what happened…
I bit my dental hygienist
So this morning, I went to my dentist’s office to have a root planning, which is where a dentist numbs your mouth and a dental hygienist cleans under your gums.
At some point, the dental hygienist asked me to close my mouth, and I closed my mouth halfway.
She got annoyed and told me again to close my mouth.
I closed it almost all the way.
She gasped and barked at me, “Close it!”
There was a good reason he didn’t close his mouth all the way.
The reason why I didn’t close it all the way was because she was holding my bottom lip with a mirror on a stick, and her pinky was between my teeth.
But I thought to myself, ok, if you insist on yelling at me to close my mouth, I will.
So I closed my mouth and bit her pinky; she then yelled and shook her hand in pain.
Eek! Well, she asked for it!
Let’s see how the folks over at Reddit relate to this story.
This is interesting.
Here’s someone with a strong grip.
As a kid, this person did the same thing to the dentist.
Yet another person who bit their dentist.
She should’ve been ready for it!
If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bite, dental hygiene, dentist, following directions, malicious compliance, picture, reddit, top

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