December 27, 2024 at 1:20 pm

Female Student Kept Bad-Mouthing Him Because His Paper Was Popular, So He Came Up With A Funny Nickname For Her That Stuck For Years

by Heide Lazaro

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge/Canva

How would you deal with a schoolmate who badmouths you even though you never met them in person?

This boy shares a story about how he was being insulted and bad-mouthed by a female student.

This was because his paper was more popular than the school’s official newspaper which was managed by her.

So she kept dropping negative remarks about him, and when he couldn’t take it anymore, he responded with a nickname for her.

Read the story below for the full details.

Person I never met or talked to decided to start insulting me at random, so I gave her a nickname she never shook off

In high school, there was this girl named Martina Papp (fake first name, actual last name).

I never met her, never talked to her, but I discovered one day that she hated me.

I had no idea why at first.

This boy created a parody newspaper, and Martina hated him for that.

After some investigation, it turned out she hated me because I had made my own fake edition of the school newspaper.

I was a big fan of the National Lampoon, so of course, I parodied my school newspaper.

Martina was the editor of the school paper.

She hated me because everyone read my parody paper, and hardly anyone ever read the actual school newspaper.

Mostly because the school newspaper was boring and heavily sanitized by the administration.

So it was just dull and irrelevant to student life.

Some students would tell Martina to make the real school newspaper as fun as the parody one.

My parody was funny (I made fun of the teachers no one liked), and went through the school like wildfire.

Apparently, people would keep coming up to her and asking why the real paper can’t be as fun as my parody.

And they are suggesting that she get me on as a writer on her paper.

Naturally, being high school, the paper was highly clique-y, and only friends of the those in charge got on.

He only made 3 copies, but was surprised that the paper spread like wildfire.

To be fair, I didn’t intend it to be read by the entire school.

I had only made 3 copies to hand out to my closest friends, but they made copies and gave them out.

And those people made copies, etc.

I handed out 3 copies before first class.

And after that class, I was walking down the hall and noticed that a LOT of people were standing around.

They were reading something and laughing.

To my surprise, horror, and delight, it turned out they were reading my paper.

He got suspended, but Martina kept bad-mouthing him.

I ended up getting suspended for 3 days for writing my parody, because I made fun of teachers.

And I was stupid enough to have my name on it as the editor.

But even after my suspension, Martina Papp kept bad-mouthing me around the school.

I kept hearing people spreading false rumours about me started by Martina.

She even started insulting me when we’d pass by each other randomly in the halls.

So he came up with a nickname for her.

The thing that Martina Papp didn’t know was that I had been sitting on a particularly nasty nickname for her.

I’m pretty good at coming up with nicknames, but I had never shared the one I had for her with anyone.

Because I was pretty sure it would stick, and it wasn’t a nice nickname.

Prior to her anger issues, I had no reason to use it.

That nickname was “Martina Papp Smear”.

And the nasty nickname stuck with her through high school.

Not very clever, but exactly the kind of thing that would click in the minds of us juvenile teenagers.

But, since Martina liked yelling insults, I thought “what the hell.”

The next time she randomly insulted me in the halls, I just said, “Thanks, Martina Papp Smear!”

Just as I had thought, the nickname stuck, and she had to carry it for the rest of her high school career.

Petty indeed.

Let’s find out what others have to say about this story.

LOL. No pun intended in this comment.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

It does sound like a scene from a movie.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

This user shared a similar story.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Here’s a positive comment from this person.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Finally, excellent work says this one.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Bullies deserve a nickname that will stick with them for years!

Otherwise how will they remember what they did?

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