Friends Plan An Expensive Holiday, But The Broke One Wants To Tag Along And Pay Less. Now They Think He Shouldn’t Come Along.
by Chelsea Mize
You know that Friends episode, “The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant,” about how some of the friends are broke and some are loaded?
Well this Reddit post is essentially a real-life version of that.
Let’s cut into this meaty dilemma…
AITA for telling my friends I can’t afford to split holiday costs equally and that I’ll only pay for the activities I can budget for?
We’ve all been there… splitting a hefty dinner bill when we got an appetizer with a side of water.
A few friends and I are planning a holiday trip together.
We’ve been talking about all the activities we want to do, but some of the options are really expensive, like fancy dinners and guided tours.
So this friend decided to speak up and let everyone know their limitations…
Since my budget is a lot tighter than theirs, I told them that I’d love to join but would only be able to pay for the activities that fit within my budget rather than splitting all costs equally.
Reasonable enough, right?
This didn’t go over well with a couple of friends.
They feel that splitting everything equally is just “what friends do” and that it’s awkward if I go off to do my own thing for cheaper options while they stick to the pricier plans.
One friend even said that if I’m not willing to split everything evenly, I should reconsider going on the trip.
Now I’m wondering if I’ve been unreasonable by setting a boundary about what I can afford.
Money talks, but not everyone likes what it has to say.
AITA for telling my friends I won’t be able to split all costs equally?
Financial differences can be awkward.
But should this friend be excluded from a whole trip because they can’t afford all the bells and whistles?
Let’s see what the comments section concludes…
No matter how much money you have, it’s up to you how to spend it.
This user says honesty is the best policy.
This person says it is what it is.
This user says maybe just hang back on this vacay.
Another person says the friends are trying to milk her for cash.
This person says communication is key.
What’s your take?
Do you opt for steaks, eggplant, or nada?
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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