Tenant Always Backs Into His Home Parking Spot Without A Problem, But One Day He Backed Into The Parking Spot And The Driver Behind Him Started Honking And Yelling
by Jayne Elliott
Backing into a parking space is a little bit harder and takes a little bit longer than driving directly into a parking space.
Some people believe it saves time in the long run, because when you go to leave, it’s often so much quicker and easier to pull out of a parking space than it is to back out.
In today’s story, one driver is furious when another driver backs into a parking space.
It gets pretty heated!
Let’s see how the drama escalates…
AITA for backing into a parking spot with someone behind me?
I live in an apartment with a parking garage.
It’s a fairly narrow garage, two cars can pass going opposite directions but it’s close.
Pulling out of a parking spot in the morning can be difficult since you have to do a sort of three-point turn to get out.
For that reason, I usually park by backing into my spot so l can just drive straight out.
I don’t drive a very large car, it’s a Jeep Compass (midsize SUV).
Someone was behind him when he went to back into the parking spot.
Today I pulled into the parking garage, and another car was behind me.
I knew he was there but I decided to back into my spot anyway.
Usually this isn’t a big deal, a lot of people back into the spots in this garage for the same reason as I mentioned above.
But during the time you’re backing in that person behind you has to wait since it’s too narrow to pass.
The other driver was very impatient.
As I shifted into reverse, the car behind me kept pulling forward towards me.
I turned on my blinker and started turning towards the spot to try to signal that I was just backing into the spot.
He laid on his horn and kept inching closer to me as I backed up.
Eventually he shifted into reverse and backed up to let me park.
It didn’t take him long to back into the spot.
I will say, I’m not inept at this maneuver, and even with him blocking me I was pulled into the spot within 15 seconds.
If it took a long time for me to pull in I could understand being upset and honking, but I pull in backwards in the same amount of time it takes to pull in forwards.
The two drivers ended up yelling at each other.
I put the car in park and I look up to see the guy who was behind me stopped in front of my car and getting out to come talk to me.
I opened my door and he walked over to me and started yelling.
I lost my temper too and we spent a bit shouting and swearing at each other before he got back into his car and drove off.
I made a few choice gestures at him and at the same time noticed his wife and kids in the car with the windows down watching this whole thing go down and I felt bad.
Obviously I didn’t have to shout with him, I admit that I was the jerk there, but with everything else, AlTA?
The other driver shouldn’t have gotten out of the car.
If that driver was annoyed that it took an extra 5 seconds for OP to back into the spot, just think how much more time he wasted by stopping his car, getting out and yelling!
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
The other driver was the one in the wrong.
This person also always backs into parking spots.
Even someone who can relate to the other driver thinks he overreacted.
The problem is a lack of patience.
It really is much safer to back into a parking spot.
That driver needs to chill!
It’s only a dang minute out of his life.
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, car, driver, parking, parking garage, parking spot, picture, reddit, top

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