Her Annoying Tech-Illiterate Roommate Refused To Learn And Would Always Ask Her For Help, So She Told Him She Would Start Charging Him For The Help
by Sarrah Murtaza
Isn’t it annoying when people constantly ask you for something until it becomes a habit for them?
This girl shares how her tech-dumb roommate made her life miserable! She seriously can’t stand it anymore!
Check out the full story.
AITA for telling my roommate I will be charging him for future help on his computer due to his learned incompetence?
For context my roommate is 31 M, and we are generally good friends.
We went to college together and love to watch TV shows together and play card games together in our spare time.
She and her boyfriend have always enjoyed tech and games!
I’m 27 F and I am pretty good with technology, nothing crazy but comfortable enough to do some pretty neat stuff with it.
My boyfriend 33 M is also pretty sharp with computers, arguably more than me in many cases, and has a job in IT.
We love to play video games together due to this and recently when he came over with his laptop we logged into one my favorite nostalgic MMORPG.
This is where it gets bad…
My roommate wants to be included in our video game fun but is also terrible with technology to an inexcusable level.
And to make matters worse, despite knowing how to google things or use trial and error, every time he runs into something challenging with technology, he’ll just say he doesn’t know what to do and sit there waiting for someone to fix it for him.
It drives me mad.
She’s so done with her roommate!
In the past I’ve felt like his nanny constantly running into his room to help do the most basic stuff as if he’s a baby or something.
I’ve tried telling him to just follow a tutorial, or google it but even then he’ll whine that he doesn’t get it.
I’ve gotten fed up because no matter how many times I show him how to do something, the minute he comes across it again he again just sits there and wait for someone else to fix it.
Somehow that person always ends up being me and I’ve started to get harsher in telling him he can either google it or log off because I’m not helping, I am so tired of this.
He doesn’t even try to figure things out on his own.
Whenever I’ve talked to him about how frustrating this is, he tells me he never had a computer growing up and simply never got good at using them.
But I think that’s ridiculous as I didn’t have a lot of things growing up that I know how to use now.
She wanted to make things clear!
I finally told him recently he has 3 options when me and my bf are playing video games.
1. Don’t join.
2. Join and google stuff and stop being a chore for others to deal with because he’s too lazy to figure it out on his own.
3. Pay $10 per occupancy of incompetence and asking for help until he gets tired of wasting money and figured it out himself.
Maybe I’m TA for this but it seems that as long as he thinks he can just rely on others to do things for him, he’ll never just learn to do it himself and I think this is a good way to make this behavior worth my time. AITA?
YIKES! That sounds really frustrating!
Why would the friend refuse to learn some basic tech?
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit have to say about this one.
This user is curious about where this girl lives!
That’s right! This user knows that she needs to stop helping her roommate!
Exactly! This user thinks she shouldn’t be her roommate’s nanny.
This user has some bitter pills about this guy!
This user has some strong opinions about this situation.
If he were open to learning, she wouldn’t be so frustrated!
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