Her Overweight Friend Broke Her Expensive Chair, And She Wants Her To Pay Her Back The Cost
by Matthew Gilligan
I feel sorry for the woman who is the subject of this story from Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page.
She obviously has a weight problem and the incident you’re going to read about must have been incredibly embarrassing for her.
But still, the question remains…is her friend who wrote the story on Reddit being unfair to her?
Get the whole story below and see what you think.
AITA for demanding my friend pays for the chair she broke?
“I have this friend who is pretty big.
Like 350 lbs or maybe a bit more, while everyone else in our circle is more on the slim side.
I love her very much and want her to feel at home at my place, so I made sure that my new chairs at the dining table are safe for her to use.
But then she didn’t really find them comfortable.
No armrests that would be tight to fit in or curved seats to press into her legs or anything, it was just that they weren’t upholstered enough for her liking or something.
That might not be a good idea…
So then she saw that nice comfy lounge chair in my living room and dragged it over to the table because she wanted to use it instead.
I told her it might not be as sturdy as the chairs but she still wanted to use it.
It’s a designer chair, one of those cup-formed ones with thin brass legs, beautiful but not very stable.
Got it at a designer outlet for 250$ a few weeks ago.
She sat down in it, all good.
Then she raised one of her legs to put it on the rim of the Chair and against the table.
Uh oh!
Then she decided to fold her other leg below her onto the chair and shifted her weight back and to the left to do this, tilting the chair slightly back while holding on to the table to do this acrobatics.
The Chair creaked, and then the leg bent and broke and she crashed to the floor with it.
My friend hurt her elbow and everyone was all over her and making her feel good that night, including me.
We got her an ice pack and everything and no blame, she was clearly shocked and shaken so it wasn’t the time to talk about the chair…
She blamed the chair for not being sturdy right away though and said many times how it sucks to be treated like this by the world.
I didn’t say much in that moment.
But the next day I called her to ask about paying for the chair.
See, it cost much and I didn’t offer it to her, and she broke it?
That didn’t go well…
She’s is extremely angry now and our group of friends is split: some say that I’m wrong because her weight isn’t her fault.
And she should be able to do what she likes regardless, otherwise it’s discrimination and also I should have told her absolutely not to sit on that chair if I wasn’t sure it would support her.
Some are on my side and say she shouldn’t have dragged a chair over that wasn’t intended to be used at the table.
If she did, she should have just kept her feet on the floor as that clearly worked better, and that she knows her weight and associated issues best.
I agree with the latter, and also want full price from her.
I won’t be able to replace the chair with the same model (the regular price is just too high and none are left at the outlet), but it was just a few weeks old so I think I deserve the full Price to get something else instead.
Also, I’m just 120 lbs and like, I love her, but why would I have to buy only chairs that can support thrice my own weight?
That’s not how it works in my head.
AITA for asking for 250€ for the damaged chair?
It can’t be repaired either.”
Check out what folks had to say about this on Reddit.
This reader said she’s NTA.
Another reader agreed.
This individual chimed in.
This person spoke up.
And one Reddit user said her friend did this on purpose.
You break it, you buy it!
Regardless of whether or not it was an accident.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check out what happened when a family gave their in-laws a free place to stay in exchange for babysitting, but things changed when they don’t hold up their end of the bargain.

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