His New Neighbor Denied Stealing His Gasoline Even Though He Was Caught Red-Handed, So He Taught The Neighbor A Lesson That Cost Him His Chevy Van
by Heide Lazaro
What’s worse than a thief is a thief who denies the truth even if he was already caught red-handed.
This man saw his new neighbor taking his jug of gas which was supposed to be for his generator.
When he confronted his neighbor, he denied it.
So, to teach him a lesson, he filled his jug with diesel instead of gasoline, and the thief used it on his gas-powered van.
Read the full story below to find out what happened.
Dealing with a Gas Thief
Several years ago, I lived in the northwest coast of Puerto Rico.
It’s a very relaxed area, with tons of good restaurants and lots of green space.
My apartment was on a cliff, not far from the water.
This man has a gas-powered generator.
The electric infrastructure was a bit old.
So when it was rainy season, we’d lose power for a few hours at a time.
Not a big deal as I had a gasoline generator.
Meet his new neighbor…
Enter a new neighbor.
He lived two doors down from me, and drove an amazing custom Chevy van from the 70’s.
All it needed was an epic airbrushed Wizard on the side.
Sadly though, that’s where anything good about him ended.
He caught the neighbor stealing his gas which he keeps in case the generator runs out of fuel.
I caught him taking the gas out of an orange jug I’d leave outside in case the generator ran out.
Although I saw him do it, and called him out on it, he denied it and played stupid.
So after the second time, I took all of the gas in the jug, filled the generator with it, and put the rest in my car.
I then went to the nearest gas station that had diesel and filled it up with diesel.
The neighbor’s van got damaged and towed, and he moved out eventually.
A few days later, I am woken up by a tow truck backing up to pick up his now disabled van.
I looked out the window and you could see the anger on his face.
He moved out the next month.
From what I gathered from talking to people in the community, he was a generally bad human.
And what happened to him was deserved.
Haha! What a pro-level revenge, indeed! Let’s read the reactions of other people about this story.
Thumbs up from this user.
People are impressed!
This user shares a similar experience.
While this one even used Da Vinci as a reference.
Finally, here’s a comment with pun intended.
The best thing about this revenge is that he never did anything to his neighbor.
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