His Step-Mom Asked Him To Give His Step-Sister Pep Talks To Help Her Adjust To The New Blended Family, But He Didn’t Want To And Told Mom That Sis Needs Therapy
by Michael Levanduski
Blended families can be a real blessing, but they can also be a major adjustment for the children.
What would you do if your stepmother asked you to give ‘pep talks’ to your younger step-sister because she wasn’t doing well with the adjustment?
That is what the step-brother in this story is dealing with, so he told step-mom that his step-sister needs therapy, not a pep talk.
Read on for all the details.
AITA For being sarcastic when my stepmother asked me to give pep talks to her daughter, accusing her of trying to pass the problem off to someone else?
I’m (15M) and my stepsister Melanie is (14F).
My Dad and her mom Laura (both late 40s?) got married 4 years ago.
Kids can have a hard time with this type of thing.
Melanie flat-out told me she didn’t approve of her mom remarrying and wants nothing to do with the new husband or his kids.
I deliberately don’t talk to her because the dislike is mutual at this point.
Melanie can’t work with people at school either.
It sounds like she needs some counseling or something.
She goes on her phone and won’t talk to members of group projects.
Laura complains whenever the school writes home, saying that it’s exaggerated/not true.
But I believe it because Melanie’s the exact same way with us at home.
I think Mom is in denial about her little girl.
The trouble now is because Laura wanted Melanie to join a school leaders program that gives priority for honors/AP classes and some other benefits.
The program rejected Melanie with a statement that Melanie had good grades but she’s not a team player and therefore a bad fit for the program.
Even though we’re not even at the same school, Laura asked me to help encourage Melanie to come out of her shell with pep talks.
Her logic was that Melanie doesn’t seem to respect her or the school counselor and she’s hoping I could get through to Melanie as someone who’s her age and knows how it is as a child of divorce.
This is a good suggestion.
I said no and that Melanie needs a therapist, not a stepsibling.
Melanie’s Dad is a cop, I know they have good health insurance, and he should get something for her because she obviously isn’t taking the divorce or new school well.
Laura asked if I could still give Melanie pep talks, but I pointed out that me and Melanie don’t like each other and Laura knows that.
And does she expect Melanie to be like “I treat my own mom like she’s nothing. But oh yes! I’ll definitely listen to you, stepbrother who I barely even acknowledge!”
Laura called me rude and claimed it takes everyone chipping in because therapy isn’t an instant fix when you have trust issues.
That may sound valid on its own.
But it all just comes off as her trying to pass the problem off to someone else considering she didn’t get Melanie into actual therapy years ago.
He does need to be respectful.
My Dad said he got my logic for refusing and I had valid points. But at the same token, there was no need for the sarcasm and I was rude.
I’m sure I was rude, but this has honestly been going on for too long.
It’s clear Melanie isn’t going to change without an actual therapist and someone needs to tell Laura like it is.
It sounds like mom just wishes things were better and is having trouble acknowledging reality.
Read on to see what the people in the comments on Reddit have to say.
He really is the only mature one in this story.
Step-mom needs to step up.
She doesn’t even like him.
It really isn’t his responsibility.
Yes, he is a kid and shouldn’t be dealing with this.
Maybe Mom needs to be the parent for once.
If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, depression, divorce, parenting, picture, reddit, remarriage, siblings, step mom, step siblings, therapy, top

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