Horrible Boss Yells At An Employee For A Small Mistake, So The Employees Send An Email To The Company’s CEO To Get Them Fired
by Laura Ornella
Sometimes workplaces really do function better when you work together!
In today’s story, one Redditor’s workplace seeks revenge on their horrible boss. Besides the revenge itself, the best part is how they work together.
See how the story plays out…
Be abusive to employees, say bye bye to your job
My (former) boss was, simply put, an absolutely horrible person.
He was the type of person that had the ability to be so condescending while acting as if he was doing you a favour.
His condescending attitude was sometimes downright abusive, and he seemed to have a particular problem with all of the female employees. He acted as if they were dumb and needed assistance with every step.
She didn’t want to miss her sister’s birthday.
He loves to scream at people, regardless of how little their mistake was, if there even was one.
He was a slave driver and expected everyone to sacrifice their own personal lives for their job.
The thing that sparked this revenge was him telling me to miss my older sister’s birthday to come into work on a day that I already booked off.
The coworkers banded together to get revenge.
Me and all of my colleagues in the department (around 10 or so) couldn’t stand him being here anymore. So, we did the protocol.
All of us piled together the evidence we had of him not sticking to booked off holiday schedules, having inappropriate and sometimes abusive language, and we brought it all on one Google doc.
This was Step 1.
Step 2 was even worse…
Step 2 was a cherry on top.
We did this by getting him to do one of his screaming tantrums at one of us. We wanted this to be as bad as possible, and the youngest and smallest girl out of all of us volunteered to be the bait.
She made an intentional beginner’s mistake in her paperwork, something bound to get her roared at.
And the idiot took the bait.
Cue the video camera…
You see, he likes to do his scoldings in front of all of us to prove a point or “rule by fear,” as he called it.
This gave us the perfect opportunity to film it from behind our desks and add it to the Google doc.
Now you see, in our company, there’s this really not well-made email system. You can send an email to an entire department (and I mean ENTIRE) as long as you have it’s name and manager’s name.
But the thing about this was the fact that all of this information was completely and freely given to employees. This means that a person could send whatever email they want to the entire company, including the CEO.
Word travels fast ’round these parts!
So one morning at 10 a.m., to ensure that as many people would be working as possible, we made a burner email and sent the Google doc through an email to everyone in the company.
It took a little while, as there were many departments to get through, but we got there in the end.
Of course our boss received the email as well, and you could basically hear the clatter from his office, as people all over the company were contacting him to ask him what this was about.
They got a new boss.
HR did a light investigation into him and “took heavy disciplinary action.”
As far as I know, he wasn’t directly fired, but instead he resigned.
And a month after that, we never saw him again and he was replaced by a new guy who was also horrible but just less so
His expressions during the whole ordeal help me sleep at night.
Wow, it sounds like that boss who got a much-deserved reality check!
What does Reddit think? Let’s read the comments below to find out.
This Redditor immediately complimented this worker’s revenge plan.
Others said they had this very boss at their job.
Some couldn’t believe the way this boss conducted himself.
And, of course, users were extremely curious about this mysterious Google doc.
Treat your staff badly? Expect to get the same thing right back.
If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · abusive boss, bad boss, mean boss, picture, pro revenge, reddit, top, work revenge, workplace drama, workplace violation

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