House Guest Complains Her Friend Is Too Loud At Night, But The Host Refuses To Change Her Routine
by Laura Ornella
Would you change your routine to accommodate a house guest?
What if it’s your friend?
See how one Redditor’s home routine becomes a point of contention between her and a friend.
AITA for not changing my routine for a house guest?
I (45f) have a good friend (41f) coming to visit for a week.
I stay up much later than her, and I work from home.
My office is next to the guest room.
OP isn’t very loud when she’s working.
She told me that she wanted to talk before she visits, so we called, and she said that I’m “way too loud” at night and asked if I could work in another room.
Now, look, I’m not blasting music or playing loud video games.
I type on my laptop, occasionally print something, and occasionally make a work call.
She is literally complaining about the sound of a keyboard, printer, and a phone.
The phone might be an issue.
Keep in mind, I have my phone on the lowest volume, so when it rings you can barely hear it, and when anyone is visiting I always try to talk quieter on the phone.
I don’t think it’s right of her to ask me to change my entire routine.
I told her I would do my best to keep the noise down, but apparently that’s “not good enough” for her.
She doesn’t like her friend’s attitude.
I just feel as if her demanding attitude is really rude and that I shouldn’t have to change my personal routine for her.
Again, it’s not as if I’m going around blasting music or banging pots and pans.
She must be a really light sleeper.
I’m literally typing, occasionally printing a document, and taking brief, quiet calls, all from a room over.
It’s not like I’m in the same room as her.
AITA for telling her I will try but make no promises, which in turn she’s saying isn’t good enough?
Maybe her friend could sleep wearing earplugs or something.
Is this friend asking for too much? What does Reddit think?
Let’s read the comments below to find out.
Redditors suggested the idea of a hotel for this demanding friend.
Another reader was baffled at this early bedtime.
People also shared suggestions for sleeping tips for this house guest.
But, of course, a few chimed in, saying they understood the need for a good night’s sleep.
Be grateful you have a free place to stay, and bring your earplugs!
If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, annoying house guest, bad friend, friend, house guest, needy friend, picture, reddit, remote work, top, work from home

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