Overconfident American Tourist Refused Sunscreen, So The Hot Australian Sun Taught Him A Painful Lesson
by Benjamin Cottrell
The Australian sun is known for its intensity, but not everyone takes its warnings seriously.
When one American visitor refused to heed his Aussie friend’s warning, he learned the hard way that even a steely resolve can’t save you from some good ol’ UV rays.
Read on for the full story!
AITA for laughing at my friend’s sunburn?
I’m from Brisbane, and my friend from the USA came down and visited a few days ago.
The first day, we went to the beach in the evening, and I pointed out that if we were going during the day, he needed to put on sunscreen.
His friend basically laughed in his face, saying he would be just fine.
He didn’t believe me and said something along the lines of, “Back where I’m from, nobody really wears sunscreen. It’s just the sun; it can’t really hurt you!”
I pointed out that his skin is very, VERY pale and would burn to a crisp if he didn’t wear sunscreen.
He also exhibited a very poor understanding of regional differences in measuring the weather.
He replied, “Yeah, but I overheard someone say it’s only going to be 30 degrees tomorrow. That’s like really cold. If it’s that cold, surely I don’t need sunscreen.”
I tried to explain to him the difference between Celsius and Fahrenheit, as well as the fact that the temperature isn’t what causes sunburn.
Regardless, he gave his friend the benefit of the doubt.
But I realized he was probably jet-lagged and sleep-deprived, so his brain probably wasn’t functioning as well as usual — he had just been on a long flight.
The next day, we went to the beach again.
While we were walking there, I asked if he had put on sunscreen.
But the American said no, insisting he didn’t need it.
He said no and claimed he was a “real tough man” who could handle the sun.
He even made a remark insinuating that Australians are weak for putting on sunscreen.
I offered him some of my sunscreen, but he declined.
Despite this, we had a good time at the beach.
But, as this Aussie knew full well, he did need it. Quite badly, actually.
However, the next day, we had planned to go to the movies, and I noticed he was burnt ALL OVER HIS BODY.
He was bright red and obviously in pain from having his skin cooked by the sun.
He couldn’t hide his smugness at this point.
I couldn’t stop myself from laughing and said, “Bro, you should have just put on some sunscreen. Then you wouldn’t look like a big beetroot.”
He did NOT like being compared to a root vegetable while he was in pain from his full-body sunburn.
He chose to cancel the movie trip until I became “less annoying.”
He weren’t going to let his friend get away with this that easily.
I went back home and couldn’t resist the urge to comment on social media on one of his pictures from the beach trip the day before.
I wrote, “Did you get a nice tan?”
Well, he did warn his friend.
What did Reddit think?
All in all, this friend sounds like a real drag on multiple accounts.
It kinda serves him right for being a jerk about the sunscreen.
Aussies take their sunscreen seriously – and for good reason.
His friend was trying to help him out, but he was too dumb to take him up on it.
In the end, the sun turned out to be a tougher opponent than he expected.
Next time, a little sunscreen will do wonders to save his skin – and his pride.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, australia, australian, beach, beach trip, dumb people, FUNNY, not following directions, picture, reddit, sunburns, sunscreen, top

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