Student Asked Her Teacher If She Could Have A Quinceanera When She’s Older, And Now The Student’s Mom Is Furious At The Teacher’s Response
by Jayne Elliott
Even teachers don’t always have the answers.
Is it okay to admit you don’t know everything?
In today’s story, a teacher tells a student she doesn’t know the answer to a question, and now the student’s mom is furious!
Let’s see how the drama escalates…
AITA for telling a student I’m not sure if she can have a Quince?
I work with children.
I have for over 10 years ranging from newborn to high school.
I had two students (aged around 4-5) talking to another student about how her sister had a Quince, this is how the conversation went
A (who is Mexican): my sister had her Quince last week and it was so pretty and I can’t wait for mine
B (who is African American): oh that sounds so cool I wanna have one too
She didn’t know the answer to the question.
A: I don’t know if you can, I don’t know anyone else who have Quinces
B: why not? I wanna have one too
Turns to me Ms. can I have a Quince too?
Me (African-American: not knowing the answer) I am not sure sweetheart I can’t give a clear answer cause I don’t know.
Student B’s mom is furious!
The next day B’s mom storms up to me yelling saying how dare I tell her daughter she can’t have a Quince.
And I just said I am not sure as I’m not sure culturally or anything about them so I can’t say yes or no.
The mom then complained to the principal about it saying I’m “crushing her daughters dreams.”
It sounds like student B didn’t retell the story to her mom exactly the way it happened.
She honestly answered that she doesn’t know the answer and that is all.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
This reader thinks the mom is unreasonable.
It would’ve been better if she said this…
Another reader agrees that she should’ve answered the questions differently.
Even husbands know to use this answer!
She could’ve avoided the drama if she had answered differently.
Maybe she learned a lesson for next time.
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