Teenager Faints While Helping Around The House, But Instead Of Caring Her Mom Thinks She’s Just Being A Drama Queen
by Kyra Piperides
You know how frustrating it is when something happens to you and no one believes it?
When it’s that you think you just walked past a minor celebrity, yeah that’s annoying.
But what if something potentially serious or even life-altering just happened to you, and you’re not believed?
What if the very person who doesn’t believe you is your own mom?
Well that’s exactly what happened to the girl in this story.
Read on to see exactly how her mom responded.
AITA for having attitude with my mother after she didn’t help me when I fainted because she thought “I was faking it”?
Today, I (a 15-year-old girl) was helping my parents and holding up a very heavy object for them when all of a sudden my vision started going black.
I thought I was going to throw up.
I remember asking my mom please, please, please take this from me I have to let it go I don’t feel so good.
I’m actually sick and I think I’m gonna faint or throw up, I can’t see (she probably thinks I fake other illnesses when in reality I just have a stupid weak immune system).
So, I proceed to black out on the concrete and come to my senses after some time.
This is outside in front of our house where they were working, and my mom could clearly see me.
I’m not sure how long I was out, probably a few minutes.
Yikes! Let’s find out what happened next.
When I came round, my ear and body were hurting.
I was completely out of it and stumbled to a piece of grass 20ft or so away, and conked out again.
At this point I thought i was going to throw up.
I woke up again to some people walking by.
I tried to rush inside and lo and behold met my mother.
I said “I think I fainted” and she just told me to go outside and cool down. (Like, go lay in the grass???).
So I just left and it took a while before I felt ok.
I also realized a few minutes later that I had gotten a pretty significant scrape on my back too.
Read on to see how the mom reacted.
I later confronted her about it, asking why she didn’t help me.
She said she thought I was “faking it” because I didn’t want to hold the object up any longer, and my fall looked too “graceful” and “slow” for it to be real, plus it’s the first time this happened.
I got mad and started crying because it felt like she didn’t care.
Now I don’t want to talk to her.
The complete lack of care that the mom is showing to her daughter?
It’s clear that she’s only useful to her mom when it comes to helping out, and any inability to do so is purely an inconvenience.
Let’s see what the people of Reddit had to say about this.
This person was more concerned about the girl than her own mom was.
While this Redditor agreed that the mom was the problem, and dug into exactly why this could be.
And others shared their own experiences with similar situations.
While some people suggested some practical steps she could take.
Bad mom alert.
There’s just no way to see this mom’s actions as in any way appropriate or even a little bit understandable.
If you liked this post, you might want to read this story about a teacher who taught the school’s administration a lesson after they made a sick kid take a final exam.
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