His True-Crime Fanatic Wife Named Their Twins After A Pair Of Criminals, And When He Found Out He Was Furious
by Mila Cardozo
Some people are a little too into true crime.
This man’s wife even named their twins after two murderers and when he found out, he demanded they change their names.
She won’t budge, so now he is wondering if he is overreacting.
Let’s analyze the situation.
AITA for my reaction to my wife giving our twin sons true crime-related names?
My wife has a slightly irritating true crime hobby.
It’s one of those hobbies we keep separate from our relationship.
For the most part, she’s normal about it and knows when to bring it up.
I’m only reminded of it when she’s around another “aficionado.”
True crime is not everyone’s cup of tea.
We had twins earlier this year.
There were some negotiations about the names.
I know at the end of the day, she’s the one doing the hard work and has the final say.
But she was inclined to eccentric, potentially life-ruining names that I had to talk her out of.
He had already noticed she was inclined to give them weird names…
One day she came to me with two surprisingly ordinary names (Dylan and Eric).
Named separately, no one would bat an eye at either one.
In fact, no one batted an eye until recently.
We were visiting family and she was showing off the kids when my sister-in-law (brother’s wife) took me aside and said “Are you serious? You named your twins after *them?*”
I had no idea, I hadn’t made the connection until that moment.
His sister in law knew what was up. He was mad.
When I got home, I confronted her and demanded we change the names.
She said it was just a coincidence and that maybe subconsciously, she paired the names.
But the names are common, and changing them would be a hassle and draw even more attention to it in the first place.
This sounds a bit manipulative. But he’s morally against it.
I said we could simply explain we hadn’t made the connection at the time and decided to change it as soon as we realized it.
After all, my sister-in-law already said something!
She won’t budge and I find it concerning.
Now that he knows all the facts, he is making an informed decision.
Let’s see what Reddit has to say about this.
A reader sounds baffled.
A commenter shares their thoughts.
Someone sees this as a real issue.
Another reader chimes in.
It was simply a bad idea.
Someone gives them an idea.
Naming your children after murderers is a very odd thing to do.
That’s a red flag if I ever saw one.
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