Trampolinist’s Family Posted Videos Of Her On Social Media Without Her Permission, So She Gave Up Her Beloved Hobby To Avoid Mean Comments
by Benjamin Cottrell
Hobbies are meant to be a source of joy, but they can lose their charm fast when others poke fun at you for it.
For one young trampolinist, what started as carefree fun quickly became a source of discomfort under the scrutiny of cruel social media comments.
And her very own family is to blame.
Read on for the full story.
AITA for not jumping on my trampoline?
I (16f) am a trampolinist and I enjoy jumping on the trampoline in my free time while listening to music (I like to dance around a bit while I do).
But then things got a lot less joyful.
But recently, my sister (18 F) and mum (41F), have been filming me and posting it on Facebook.
She couldn’t believe what people in the comments were saying.
The captions often poke fun at me and people in the comments are also making fun of me, so I’ve stopped jumping on the trampoline recently because I don’t like it.
My mum asked at dinner why I stopped and I answered honestly.
So she told her mom exactly how she was feeling, but mom immediately got defensive.
I told her I no longer liked it because of her filming me and posting it online, she got upset with me telling me to ‘lighten up and take a joke.’
Which annoyed me, so I tried to explain that it makes me feel uncomfortable if someone is watching me just have fun.
Her sister takes her mom’s side, trying to gaslight her even further.
Then my sister pointed on people watch me when I participate in competitions, which I feel is different, I’m showing off my skills to judges, not hopping around while listening to music.
At the end of the day, she believes she’s entitled to some privacy.
Now I understand I may look weird when I’m listening to my music, but it makes me feel uncomfortable knowing my sister or mum is filming me, so am I wrong?
Am I just being too sensitive?
How sad to quit doing something you love because of what others think.
What did Reddit have to say?
It sounds like this family needs to talk it out – and fast.
There’s a stark difference here that her family clearly isn’t understanding.
This commenter suggests turning the tables to see how they like it.
What her mother and sister are doing is just plain wrong.
A family is supposed to protect their own – not feed them to the wolves for online clout.
Even if they choose to stop, her trust may not bounce back so easily.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, bullying, Cyberbullying, drama, family drama, filming someone, picture, reddit, top, trampoline

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