A Boyfriend’s Handmade Keepsake Causes Girlfriend’s Jealousy To Boil Over, And It Leads To A Rift Between Friends That May Never Heal
by Benjamin Cottrell
Childhood mementos often carry sentimental value, but they can also become unexpected sources of tension.
For one friend group, a simple handcrafted bowl from childhood unearthed hidden insecurities and sparked an unexpected argument.
Read on for the full story.
AITA for not giving a gift from my friend to his girlfriend?
I (20F) have a friend, let’s call him Josh (20M), who I have known most of my life.
We’ve never dated or anything like that; at least on my end, the friendship is purely platonic.
In fact, she’s good friends with his current girlfriend.
For two years, he’s been in a relationship with Heather (20F), and since they started dating, she and I have been really good friends — almost inseparable.
I also have a boyfriend of four years, and all of us hang out fairly often.
She holds onto a small memento from childhood Josh gave her.
When we were around 13, Josh went through a phase where he was really into woodworking, and he made me a small wooden bowl.
I keep it on my bathroom counter and put my earrings in it. I like it a lot, and it’s a cute memento from my childhood.
But then Heather noticed the bowl.
About a week ago, Heather and I were getting ready to go Christmas shopping.
I was doing my makeup in the bathroom when she pointed out the bowl and asked where it came from.
But something was off about her tone.
I’m guessing Josh mentioned it to her, because the way she asked felt like she already knew the answer.
I don’t know how else to describe it, but it was almost accusatory, like she had just caught me doing something I shouldn’t be doing.
I told her it was from Josh when we were about 13.
Then Heather made a surprising demand.
She then told me, “Well, since he’s my boyfriend, I think I should have it now.”
I told her no, explaining that he made it for me when we were kids, and I didn’t want to give it away.
But Heather wasn’t going to go down without a gift.
She started arguing with me about it, and I eventually asked her to leave because I couldn’t reason with her.
Since then, I’ve tried to reach out to her, but she hasn’t responded.
I haven’t tried to reach out to Josh at all because I feel like it just wouldn’t be appropriate.
Now she’s not sure what to make of the situation.
I also don’t know how much of this situation he knows about, if he agrees with her, or anything else.
My boyfriend agrees that I shouldn’t have to give it to her.
Of course, he and Josh have talked, but not about this.
It’s just a very awkward situation, and I’m wondering — AITA for not giving my friend’s girlfriend a gift he made for me when we were young?
Who knew a gift from years ago could shake a bond so much.
What did Reddit think?
Not only is Heather entitled, she’s downright untrustworthy.
This commenter can’t believe Heather would behave this way.
Maybe it’s best if she stays away from Heather altogether.
If Heather reacts this way over a bowl, who knows what else she might do?
Heather’s insistence on claiming the past left little room for compromise, showing the full extent of her entitlement.
Her demands seem be less about sentiment and more about control.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, awkward, awkward situations, childhood, childhood memories, couples, gifts, insecure people, insecurity, jealousy, memento, memories, picture, reddit, top

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