January 26, 2025 at 2:22 am

A Demanding Customer Yelled At A Grocery Store Merchandiser, So They Sent Him On A Wild Goose Chase Down Every Aisle

by Benjamin Cottrell

Source: Canva/Jupiterimages, Reddit/PettyRevenge

Grocery store workers often find themselves caught in the middle of confusing customer requests.

After one customer’s rude attitude rubbed this merchandiser the wrong way, they sent a customer on a wild goose chase to find the item they were looking for.

You’ll want to read on for this one!

Coconut water

During weekends, I work as a merchandiser for extra money.

I just hang out and go from store to store stocking my company’s products while listening to music and podcasts.

People come up fairly often asking me if I know where something is, and I oblige if I know.

Half of the time, when they see my shirt, which is company branded, they embarrassingly and rapidly say sorry and walk away before I can even respond.

But not all customers are so demure.

While I was stocking, I look around often, and I happen to see this man look down the aisle I’m in.

His body followed like a robot, turning after seeing my u-boat (big cart we use).

I see him charging towards me, followed by what I assume was his son. I look away as soon as I see him targeting me.

He’s not exactly polite.

He gets like a foot away from me and just yells “coconut water” at my side.

I turn and look at him, smelling the alcohol, and he repeats it louder.

As I slowly reach up to my ear to pause my music, his son yells, copying his dad: “COCONUT WATER!” I just ask, “What?” And the dad goes, “COCONUT WATER!”

The merchandiser knows where it is, but they decide to make this rude customer work for it.

Ironically, it is a product I actually stock too, which is rare.

Unfortunately, I found him rude and was not going to direct him three feet further down the aisle.

I sent him across the ENTIRE store, aisle two.

Of course, he comes back confused.

About 20 minutes later, I see him coming back — he can’t find it.

So the merchandiser decides to throw him off the trail even further.

So I ask him some questions and describe it on one of those inconspicuous bottom-shelf corner end caps.

I send him to look under the other juice I stock so it seemed like I knew what I was talking about.

“If it’s not there, check the display close by, you can’t miss it.”

The customer continues to wander around aimlessly.

I finished up stocking, brought my u-boat out back, broke everything down, and wrapped up.

As I left for my next store, I see them at the self-checkout with a single coconut water. It had been over an hour since they first asked me.

Next time, this customer will think twice before messing with the merchandiser.

What did Reddit think?

A little politeness goes a long way with overworked employees.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Be rude to me? Good luck finding what you’re looking for.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

Oh, you were looking for something? I thought you were taking my drink order.

Source: Reddit/PettyRevenge

What started as a rude requested ended with a full-blown marathon around the store.

The coconut water wasn’t the only thing that needed to chill.

If you liked that story, check out this post about an oblivious CEO who tells a web developer to “act his wage”… and it results in 30% of the workforce being laid off.