Annoying New Farmer Wanted To Save Up On His Yield And Was Adamant On Wasting This Silo Manager’s Time, So They Made The Farmer Pay Even More Than He Had Planned
by Sarrah Murtaza
When experts say they know what’s happening, it’s often best to trust them and move on!
This lady shares how her husband had to deal with an annoying farmer who wanted to pay less for the yield at the silo. Her husband ended up humoring him, and it cost the farmer even more!
Check out the full story!
Fine, I’ll double sift. Enjoy your higher bill
It’s harvesting season now, and my husband’s silo is starting to get busy.
All the farmers in the area know my husband and knows he is fair when it comes to grading the grain, as well as helping out where possible.
This guy doesn’t know her husband.
Enter a farmer from a completely different region. They drove their yield up to sell it to one of the mills in our area, so he doesn’t know my husband.
My husband comes out of the office to greet the farmer and find out how they can help him, and he is immediately put off by this guy.
This guy was inviting trouble…
First thing he does is just rock up at the silo without first calling or making arrangements with HQ to use their services.
Fine, it happens sometimes, but then you wait your turn.
Not him though.
He gets there and insists that they help him out immediately, despite them being busy accepting grain from the local farmers.
The grain grader at the silo takes a sample of the grain and finds datura ferox. 130 seeds in a sample, which is fairly high. They calculate the sifting costs and take it out to the farmer, who immediately starts screaming and shouting.
He wasn’t expecting that!
Yes, he knows there’s datura in there, but definitely not THAT much, he found 52 when he graded it himself. They must do it again.
So the grader does another grading with a subset of the same initial sample he took, and gets 130 again.
Obviously the farmer doesn’t like this and insists that my husband come and take a look at what a “bad job” his grader is doing and goes off on the “he should be fired for not knowing how to do his job” spiel.
They wanted to check it again!
By now my husband is already extremely frustrated with this guy.
He has trucks waiting to be graded from farmers that actually arranged to come deliver today, they are all busy, and his grader has now been busy with this for double the time it should take, for something they are getting minimal income from.
So my husband takes over. Takes a new sample, grades that sample himself, all with the farmer watching. This time, my husband finds 165 seeds in the sample.
The farmer wasn’t going to get it so easily!
He wasn’t even done with the grading when the farmer goes, OK fine, sift it, but charge it on the 130 grade.
And my husband just said, nope. We found 165, we’re obligated to bill on the highest number of seeds we found.
His insistence on getting my husband involved ended up costing him about $250 more.
If he had been nicer to the staff, less rude, and more polite, my husband would have accepted the 130 grading and left it at that.
GEEZ! That sounds annoying for everyone involved!
Let’s find out what folks on Reddit think about this story.
This user understands what this lady’s husband deals with.
This user has a different opinion on why the new farmer might have come to this silo.
This user has a comedic take on the story!
This user wants to know the job description of a silo manager.
This user is glad they learned something new from this story!
If the new farmer had been kinder, things wouldn’t have gone this far!
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.

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