A Client Approached Him Aggressively And Told Him To Update Him Immediately And Invite Him To Everything. So He Did The Exact Opposite Just To Spite Him.
by Ashley Ashbee
For some reason there are clients who think that you should give them the world if they ask for it and serve it on a silver platter.
The worker in this story disagrees.
Check out he handled this entitled intimidation.
Demanding and demeaning client.
Worked at a major investment firm for 10 plus years.
I was on a team that serviced high net worth clients.
Many of these clients were demanding, entitled and downright rude.
What happened next was jarring.
One particular client got in my face during a client appreciation dinner and told me:
“I expect you to immediately call me whenever there is something going on with the markets and I expect you to invite me to all of these events going forward.”
But his intimidation had a price.
I was in charge of invite lists and every time an event came up, his was the first name removed from the list.
He missed out on golf outings, dinners, trading seminars and market updates.
Ironic thing was that he never realized it.
I guess the client assumed that there weren’t any upcoming events.
Here is what folks are saying on Reddit.
I believe that. The entitlement baffles me.
I’m not surprised. Spoiled brats never grow up.
Why don’t people get this? They’re narcissistic, I guess.
He probably did. He sees him as a peasant.
I’m glad she retired!
Burned bridges are not a win.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · bad client, entitled, finance, jerk, narcissist, petty revenge, picture, reddit, top

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