Couple Can’t Park On Their Campsite Because The Family Next To Them Is Using Part Of It, So A Park Ranger Has To Step In To Solve The Problem
by Jayne Elliott
What would you do if you want camping and the family at the campsite next to you had their belongings so spread out that they were taking up part of your campsite?
Would you ignore it or make them move their stuff?
In today’s story, a couple tries to ignore it, but then the annoying family complains about them!
Let’s see how it all plays out.
I can’t park on your campsite? Ok.
Camping for 10 days.
My husband has a last minute work trip and I have an appointment on first day.
He drives up with 22 ft camper, sets up and then drives to airport.
It’s a hassles and a half because folks in next site are spread all over and he doesn’t want to bother them.
He finally finds somewhere to park.
It takes two hours, but he gets camper situated without disturbing anyone.
Only thing is, because folks next door are so spread out, there’s no place to put our car.
So husband asks two sites over if he can park on an unused section of their site.
There’s another problem.
I drive up next day.
I park in suggested spot and run into camper for another doctor appointment.
45 minutes later, I come out to a park ranger at my door.
Seems folks next door complained about my truck.
It’s partially on their lot and they want it moved.
Problem solved, right?
I tell ranger (who is steeling for a fight) that I’d park on my lot, but the complainers are over the line by a good foot or two so idk where to put my vehicle.
Ranger marches over and makes complainers move their camper and stuff that’s on my lot.
When they’re done, I say “thank you. That looks great” only to have “well as long as you’re happy” snapped at me.
I look at guy, then turn to his kids and tell them to get off my picnic table and go to their own.
And don’t forget your toys.
This story makes camping sound even less fun.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story.
It really is a good thing that the neighboring campers were the ones that complained.
It worked out well.
Sometimes you have to report rude campers.
That would be a low blow!
Same. I don’t understand camping either.
Nobody likes a rude neighbor.
Especially when you’re in the wilderness.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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