He Raised Doubts About His Friend’s Paternity In Their Newborn, So The Couple Got Offended And Cut Him Out Of Their Lives
by Benjamin Cottrell
We all find ourselves getting more comfortable around our close friends, but at the end of the day, some things are still better left unsaid.
When one man royally overstepped his bounds with a close friend by questioning the genetics of their new baby, things quickly spiraled out of control.
You’ll want to read on for this one!
AITA for privately asking my friend about the paternity of her children
A few years ago, my close childhood friend gave birth to triplets. Her husband is a light black man.
Of the three, two were the same skin tone as her husband, and the third was much darker.
The skin tones made me a little suspicious that her husband might not be the father.
So he made a very bold move.
I pulled her aside privately and asked her seriously if her husband was the father.
Which didn’t end well.
She didn’t even listen or answer rationally, she just freaked out at me and acted super insulted, kicking me out.
But he didn’t take this as a sign to stop with the questions.
I reached out to her husband and told him about her reaction, advising him to get a paternity test.
He called me an AH and blocked me. Neither has spoken to me since.
Still, he thinks it wasn’t such a big deal.
I’ve always thought that they dramatically overreacted and were probably hiding something because of their responses.
But they’re still married, and sometimes I feel bad about what happened.
In his mind, he was doing something good for his friend.
I just felt a lot of empathy for her husband because I would be devastated if I wasn’t confident that I was the father of my future children.
Was I an AH for asking privately?
You know what they say: Curiosity killed the cat.
Reddit is sure to have some strong opinions.
There is no question in this commenter’s mind that this was a totally inappropriate question to ask.
The faux pas here was pretty glaring.
This question could not have been more loaded…
No sympathy from this commenter either.
What began as concern quickly spiraled into disrespect, leaving the relationship shattered in its wake.
His need for answers left a lasting rift that may never be repaired.
If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · aita, awkward, awkward situations, babies, drama, friendship drama, newborns, nosy people, paternity test, picture, reddit, rude people, rude questions, top

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