January 10, 2025 at 3:22 pm

Her Ex’s Parents Planned A Family Reunion At Disneyland, But She Won’t Let Her Kids Go Because She’s Supposed To Have The Kids That Week

by Jayne Elliott

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Bo shou

Imagine being treated to a family reunion at Disneyland paid for by your grandparents. Any kid would probably think that sounds amazing.

In today’s story, it’s not that easy. The kids have divorced parents, and the custody arrangements mean they’re supposed to be at their mom’s house that week. It’s their dad’s family that’s having the reunion.

Should the kids get to go to Disneyland anyway? That’s the big question.

Let’s dive into all the details…

AITA for not letting my kids go on vacation with my ex because it’s my time with them.

So right now both of my kids (16 year old son and 9 year old daughter) and my ex are extremely mad at me because I won’t give up my appointed time with them.

My son wont even talk to me and my daughter is crying all the time.

A little backstory. Me and my ex divorced shortly after my daughter was born.

I blame him for it and he blames me. I won’t go into detail here.

Here’s how the custody arrangement works…

We ended up with a 50/50 custody agreement switching every other week.

While this was 8 years ago we’re still not on good terms. We rarely ever talk to each other outside of the kids and i’m perfectly fine with that.

One thing we have agreed on since the beginning though is that we don’t plan things on days that aren’t ours. And unless it’s extremely important we don’t “switch” days or weeks.

In the 8 years since we’ve been divorced I have never asked him to have the kids on a day that isn’t mine and I’ve never given him one of my days even if he begged.

Now the ex wants the kids on one of her weeks.

Well, last week my ex contacted me and told me the “good” news.

His parents are hosting a week long family reunion in the summer at Disneyland and he wants to take the kids.

Well, the problem is that it’s on one of my weeks.

He asked me to let the kids stay with him that week or to switch a week with me and I shot him down.

It sounds like the grandparents should’ve checked to see if the kids were available that week before planning the trip.

It’s my week with them and I get to spend it with them.

I told him if it’s so important to him to reschedule.

But he claims his parents can’t do that and this is the only week that the whole family can go, and he told me that I need to “think of them”.

I told him “tough luck” and hung up on him.

The kids are sad about not going to Disneyland.

Well, this last Sunday when my ex dropped the kids off with me my son refused to talk to me at all and my daughter wouldn’t even look at me.

When I asked my ex what was wrong, he refused to talk to me, only saying “ask them” in a snarky tone before leaving.

When I asked my daughter what was wrong she burst into tears and said that i was “not letting daddy take them to Disneyland”.

Asking my son (who still refuses to talk to me) it turns out that my ex told them I was not letting them go to Disneyland with him. He’s trying to paint me as the bad guy.

She thinks the ex and his parents are being unfair.

I sat both of them down last night to talk to them and explain it’s my week with them, but they refused to listen to me.

My daughter just cried, and my son told me i’m only doing this to get back at my ex.

I’m not though.

I think its unfair for him to do this when his parents scheduled it during my time with them.

She wants her ex to apologize.

I demanded an apology from my ex and him to set things straight, but he refuses, and his last text to me being “can’t tell them the truth cause they already know it”.

I’m so mad right now.

AITA because my ex scheduled something during MY time with MY kids?

How is it my fault that i’m only using my right to spend time with them?

I’d be mad too if I were the kids, but I understand the mom’s perspective. Really, it seems like the grandparents are the ones who are to blame for this situation.

Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…

A family reunion isn’t all that easy to reschedule.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Anyone who has seen a Disney movie understands this comment.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This reader calls the mom petty.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader thinks she’s petty and selfish.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Here are two good reasons she should let her kids go to Disneyland…

Source: Reddit/AITA

She should switch weeks and plan her own cool vacation with her kids.

If you enjoyed that story, read this one about a mom who was forced to bring her three kids with her to apply for government benefits, but ended up getting the job of her dreams.