Her Husband Invited His Friends To Stay With Them For A Few Days, But She Works From Home And Doesn’t Want House Guests While She Tries To Meet An Important Deadline
by Jayne Elliott
Working from home is great if you can concentrate on your work, but it’s not great if you’re going to be constantly distracted or interrupted while you’re trying to work.
In today’s story, a husband invites some friends to stay with him and his wife, but he didn’t check with his wife first.
She works from home and is concerned about meeting a deadline while entertaining house guests.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA for making house guests relocate?
My (36F) husband (37M) has two friends in town that I have only met twice.
They are in town for ten days, and he told me they were staying somewhere else.
Friday morning, just before I left for a trip, I was surprised when he told me they were staying at our house for the weekend.
She prepped for the house guests.
I wanted to be a good host, so I cleaned up and put out fresh sheets and towels.
He told me they were moving to the other place Sunday.
This morning, when I was on my way home, he told me that they were now going to stay at our house three more days.
She doesn’t want house guests while she’s working from home.
I work from home.
He doesn’t.
I have a big deadlines this week, and it is not a good week to have house guests.
After this morning, I was also concerned that when Wednesday gets here, he’d tell me their stay is extended again – through the end of their trip.
After I told him all of this, he had them move to the other location, blaming me for it.
She feels embarrassed.
I feel like this could have all been figured out if he had just talked to me, but now I look like the villain to his friends, who are people I barely know.
I feel that he presented me with an impossible choice of getting my work done or sucking it up and dealing with surprise house guests all week.
It has caused a huge fight, and I don’t think it was fair.
I’m also embarrassed with respect to them and do not want to see them again while they are on this trip.
AITA for saying that they needed to relocate?
I can completely understand not wanting house guests when you’re trying to work from home. Her husband shouldn’t have sprung this information on her. He should’ve talked to her about it before inviting the house guests to stay with them.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted…
She went out of her way to prepare for the house guests.
Why can’t they stay at a hotel?
Her husband needs to work on communicating.
This would’ve been a possible compromise…
Her husband is the one who messed up.
It seems that everyone is on her side.
Marriage is about communication, and her husband failed big time.
If you thought that was an interesting story, check this one out about a man who created a points system for his inheritance, and a family friend ends up getting almost all of it.

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