Her Neighbor’s Cat Likes To Hang Out Outside Their Apartment, But It’s Driving Her Dog Crazy And She Wants It To Stop
by Jayne Elliott
Cats and dogs don’t always get along, and in today’s story, a cat is driving a dog insane!
The dog owner doesn’t want to do the wrong thing, but she really wants the cat to stay away from their apartment.
What should she do?
Let’s dive into all the details…
WIBTA if I called my apartment complex to complain about my elderly neighbors cat?
I haven’t done this yet, but i’m seriously considering it.
It’s such a bad move in my eyes, but i’m losing my mind with this cat.
The neighbor’s cat likes their apartment for some reason.
My husband and I moved into the complex at the end of February with our dog.
Since probably mid March our elderly neighbor has been letting her cat out of her house at random times of day.
In the beginning the cat would go everywhere around the complex, but as it goes on he literally only hangs around our apartment.
Their dog does NOT like the neighbor’s cat!
He sits on our windowsills, hangs out in our bushes, hops the fence into our backyard, etc.
He just stares at my dog and doesn’t move.
My dog HATES this cat and always gets very irritated when she sees it.
Her hair stands up, she growls and barks, etc.
She really feels bad for her dog….and the cat owner!
It’s super annoying to constantly have to yell at my dog to stop barking and get down off the windows.
She’s already broken our window once when she accidentally sent her paw through the glass jumping to see the cat after it was sitting on our windowsill.
I feel bad because this woman is really old and has lived here a long time, but this cat is terrorizing our dog. WIBTA?
That’s a tough situation.
Maybe there’s a way she could keep her dog away from the window?
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader thinks the dog is the problem.
This reader suggests training the dog.
Who is trying to terrorize whom?
It seems that everyone agrees that the dog is the problem.
This reader offers some suggestions to get the cat to leave.
Dog training sounds like a good idea!
It can’t hurt, at any rate.
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