Her Sister Stole A Christmas Present From Her, But Years Later She Has Yet To Admit That She Did Anything Wrong
by Jayne Elliott
If you got a Christmas present that you didn’t want, you might try to return it.
Would you trust a family member to return it for you?
In today’s story, one sibling make the mistake of letting her sister return a gift for her. The problem is that the sister never actually returned it.
Let’s see how the story plays out…
AITA, my sister stole my xmas gift in 2016…buckle up.
My mom bought me a Dremel kit in 2016 for xmas.
I appreciated the gift but wasn’t going to be able to use it, but had something else in mind.
My sister said she could return it because she had the receipt and would give me the money.
I said fine and she took it xmas day.
OP shouldn’t have trusted the sister.
She never tried to contact me about the refund.
I reached out to her and she said she hadn’t done it yet.
Then time went by and every couple of months or so I’d reach out and ask her what the story was.
OP wants to be compensated for the dremel.
She transitioned into saying she couldn’t return it since it was past the window.
I then asked her to return it repeatedly every month or two for the next year or so.
She then says she lost it and that I should just accept that it’s lost.
I said, no, you need to pay me for the dremel if you lost it. I’ve asked you for two years.
OP is not backing down.
She refuses.
I don’t particularly let it go, but every couple of months I’d reach out and tell her I expect her to replace the gift or go find it.
She then accuses me of harassment because I won’t let it go.
The sister finally comes clean.
She then confesses.
She took my gift, gave it to her friend, and repeatedly lied about it for 2+ years. Completely and disingenuously gaslighting me and making harassment accusations to get me off her back for the gift she stole.
Her position was that it had been years now, that I need to get over it.
She refused to reimburse me.
They’re at a standoff.
It was made clear to her that I wanted the value of the gift, or it back if it couldn’t be returned.
I told her no, I’m not going to get over it, that her behavior was disgusting and heinous given the total context. That she’s harmed me on emotional level, and that she needs to make amends by buying me a dremel, or giving me it’s value.
She refuses to this day.
The sister literally stole the gift.
Every year or two we argue about it when friends bring it up to her how messed up it was.
Her response is to tell me how ridiculous it is that I won’t move from my position that she owes it to me.
My take is she’s nuts to think that.
Even the idea that the person who was wronged is more absurd to be implacable in their position than the person who did the “crime”.
She’s acting as if she’s the reasonable one and that it’s unreasonable that i won’t accept her theft.
The sister is completely out of line.
She goes nuts and makes declarations that if I can’t get over it maybe she shouldn’t have a relationship with me.
She pretends to play the victim as if she’s being abused because I demand she amend her character flaw and repay me in this instance.
I’m like ok…yea, you can cut your relationship off with me because you’re an abusive thief OR…you could just buy me a dremel… you could do that too.
Yet they still get along most of the time.
It doesn’t live rent free in my head, I don’t care on a day-to-day basis.
I hang out with her and we have a fairly decent relationship in adulthood..But yea, around xmas time, especially if she reaches out to me because people are giving her a hard time about it, I def tell her my position hasn’t changed and that she’s messed up.
My parents think her behavior is so bad.
AITA for not letting it go?
That was a very messed up thing for her sister to do. Really, her sister should give her a dremel for Christmas as an inside joke, but I doubt that will ever happen.
Let’s see how Reddit reacted to this story…
This reader offers a suggestion of how to get the money back.
I like this funny idea!
This is another funny idea!
And here’s a definition of gaslighting.
Her sister should at least admit she was wrong.
If you liked that post, check this one about a guy who got revenge on his condo by making his own Christmas light rules.

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