January 24, 2025 at 2:22 am

His Dad’s Girlfriend Is Really Mean To Him, So He Salted Her Garden Until They Broke Up

by Ashley Ashbee

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge/Pexels/Lisa Fotios

When your dad is seeing someone else, it can be a pretty difficult adjustment, but it’s often manageable.

It gets more complicated when you have to live with your dad and his new girlfriend.

That’s the situation in this story, but the kid knew exactly how to deal with it.

See how salt gave him power.

Salted the Garden

This was many years ago when I was in middle school.

I live with my dad part time as a child of divorce.

His girlfriend, L, agreed to move in if he bought a bigger house with 3 bedrooms because she wanted a guest bedroom.

It did not go well.

The house had a master bedroom (my dad and his girlfriend’s) and two other bedrooms. One was about 50% bigger than the other and the little one was pink with ballerina wallpaper border.

L decided that the bigger room had to be the guest bedroom and I got the tiny ballerina room.

I fought and lost.

I had to get a twin size bed because the room could not hold a queen and a homework desk.

I hated it.

It gets even worse.

Worst of all, L had a dog that always had fleas. When I was at my mom’s, L let her dog sleep in my bed so I got fleas.

I complained, I fought, I lost.

I had always been a good kid, no trouble, straight A’s, hall monitor – a real goody two shoes but this pushed me over the limit.

But he knew her sore spot.

L planted two very fancy gardens – one for vegetables and one for flowers. She spent a lot of money on the flowers and was really into them.

So I got the salt we used for when the driveway gets icy and began working into the dirt in her garden.

Everything died.

Nothing grew.

He did it again.

A year later she planted more fancy flowers and veggies so I salted the earth again.

Nothing grew again.

L and my Dad broke it off before year three but I already had my salt ready.

She never knew it was me. Neither did my dad.

I wish I had done more but once she was gone I moved into the bigger room and burned the flea ridden matress.

It’s funny that L and dad never found out.

Here is what folks are saying on Reddit.

I doubt it. How awful.
Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Dang weeds!

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

It’s hard to be torn like this.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Who are you sad for? The earth or a future homeowner, I hope.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Enough with the salt puns.

Source: Reddit/Petty Revenge

I think she got off easy.

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