January 27, 2025 at 1:35 pm

His Wife Wanted To Breed Their Dog Which He Thought Was A Bad Idea, So He Got The Dog Fixed Behind Her Back

by Matthew Gilligan

Source: Reddit/AITA/Shutterstock

Well, this doesn’t sound good

The guy you’re about to hear from went behind his wife’s back and…wait for it…got their dog neutered without her permission.


Was he wrong?

Let’s see what he had to say in this story from Reddit…

AITA for getting my dog fixed without wife’s permission?

“I (38M) have grown up having pets at home since I was a kid.

I love pets. Cats, Dogs whatever.

My wife (36F) is an only child and never had a pet before, had no idea how much work is involved.

Are you sure about that…?

So she comes to me one day and says she wants a dog.

She is easily influenced by friends or coworkers and sometimes gets ideas in her head and acts irrationally on it.

I tried explaining how much work is involved and she agrees she will take care of the dog.

She is often in multiple group chats online and joined one about Japanese Akitas after watching the movie Hachi, A Dog’s Tale.

I suggested a smaller breed dog as her first pet to make it easier because akitas are known to have strong personalities and be more for experienced dog owners.

Sounds like he’s doing most of the work.

I work construction and have long hours between March to December, then I have a couple months off.

We get the dog in December as a puppy.

We take him to dog parks and he socializes well. Then Covid hits and he grows full size with little interaction with other dogs.

When I walk him he constantly pulls towards other dogs and when he gets close if he feels even a little challenged he turns aggressive. To the point when I walk him I let other dog owners know he is not dog friendly, cross the street when seeing another dog etc.

My wife never walks him because he is a large breed dog and she can’t handle if he pulls.

I have taken him to obedience training and he walks great aside from when he sees another dog.

This wasn’t going well…

I talk to her about getting him fixed to reduce the testosterones etc.

She refused because she wanted to try breeding him.

We waited until he was almost 2 years old.

We tried breeding which was a lot of extra work on my part.

It was also unsuccessful.

She basically just met up with the people and I had the female dog dropped in my lap for a week to look after as well as our own dog.

The breeding didn’t go well and the female dog didn’t make it.

We let the other family keep the 2 puppies that made it.

I revisit the idea of having ours fixed and she refuses because she wants to breed him again.

That didn’t go over well…

At this point I love my dog but I don’t want the extra work involved in breeding, So I had him fixed.

She is upset because I didn’t listen to her.

I explained how i have basically been taking care of him by myself because she always has an excuse to not walk him etc.

Its been a couple months now and she is still upset about it.

I walk him and he doesn’t pull towards other dogs and when we get close he is not aggressive and just smells them.

AITA for fixing him after attempting to breed him like she wanted?”

It sounds like the dog is his not his wife’s since he’s doing all the work, so his opinion should matter.

Reddit users shared their thoughts.

This person said he’s NTA.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another individual shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person chimed in.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader offered some advice.

Source: Reddit/AITA

And this person didn’t hold back.

Source: Reddit/AITA

I guess they won’t be getting any new puppies anytime soon.

If you liked that post, check out this story about a guy who was forced to sleep on the couch at his wife’s family’s house, so he went to a hotel instead.